Ask #69 (nice)

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Will: Part 69, nice

Will: Max! I need help

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Will: Max! I need help. How do you piss off Gwen and David?

Max: Easy. David, tell him that somebody he cares about doesn't matter. Gwen, tell her that Twilight is the worst series in the world.

Will: I'm not even going to ask, just, you wanna piss them off?



Max: David, I don't matter at all. Heck I could not exist and-

David: Don't start, my child

Max: Gee, Twilight sure does suck, right?

Gwen: *eye twiches* What dis you say?

Max: I suck I mean, who should watch or read a sparkly, fictional vampire, fall in love with-

Gwen: Listen here you little shit spawn, that is my favorite series besides Dr.Who, I will not let you ruin it!

Who, I will not let you ruin it!

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Max: Not this shi-


Max: Shizzle! Man, almost said the wrong word!

Nikki: Hi Max! Wanna blow something up!? Train a wild wolf!?

Max: No Nikki! That would be wrong, bye! *skips away*

Nikki: What the-

Space Kid: Hey Max!

Max: Hi Space Kid! How are you?

Space Kid: In alright- wait, this isn't Max! *runs away*

Nurf: Hey Mafia Boss (you can't tell me that's not Max's nickname) how's the weather down there?

Max: Good! And you?

Nurf: What the? *runs away terrified*

Everyone: The ducks wrong with him!


Max: I said NEVER try that again you motherfucker!

Everyone: He's back to normal

Everyone: He's back to normal

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David: Well, He wasn't the.... best, let's say. So, I looked up to another father figure, Mr.Campbell! As for my mother, she passed.


Daniel: Gladly.

David: Not in front of readers or kids-

Daniel: Too late! *all them good smooch *


Max: No

Will: Too late!



Nikki: Hoes mad

Max: The fuck

Niel: *looking up fron his book* Hoes mad

Will: Hoes mad

Space kid: Hoes mad? What's that?

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