A Camp Camp Christmas Eve Party

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This is a danvid and gwenjen oneshot btw, so yeah....)))

Daniel looked at the stupid invatation. A Camp Campbell Christmas Eve party, he was invited by David. His best friend, Jen looked over his shoulder. "You going to the party too?" Daniel rolled his eyes. "No, it's stupid, why would I?" Jen sighed. "I don't know, maybe it's because your crush asked you and your best friend might date her crush too." Daniel sighed. "Fine, but I might leave early of I'm not enjoying this party."

*Timeskip to like a week when the party is*

Daniel got ready in a simple white short sleeved shirt and very subtle blue jeans. It wasn't much, but he did want to impress anybody, besides David. Jen wore a pink dress with a black belt.

Meanwhile David put on a green christmas sweater with a pinetree on it. Gwen was wearing her usual tee shirt, with a purple jacket over it. "Aren't you exited Gwen! It's the time of the year that we can all be happier and exchange gifts!" David said happily. "I think your just excited to see Daniel again David. It's so obvious!" Gwen said annoyed. Max was outside the window and he heard it all. "I might hate Daniel, but making David embarrassed in front of the whole camp would make today so much better." Max said silently.

*Timeeeeskip brought to you by the Gays™*

David watched as the kids excitedly played outside with the snow. Nikki was singing while Niel and Max covered thier ears. Nurf, well, cracked Space Kids helmet with snowball rocks, again. David looked to see a white car with two people pull up. David smiled as Daniel and Jen got out of the car. Daniel looked at David and realized how adorable he looked. He snapped out of it and smiled at him. Jen and Gwen noticed this and giggled to themselves. "Were going to go inside you two fuckbirds have fun!" Gwen said quickly and walked in the mess hall.

Daniel rolled his eyes while David blushed. "You look great Daniel, but aren't you cold?" Daniel shrugged. "Not really." David thought for a second. "Wait right here." He smiled excitedly as he ran to his cabin. He quickly came back with a white fluffy Christmas sweater like his. Daniel raised a eyebrow. "You'd look great in this Danny!" David smiled happily. Daniel felt his face go slightly pink from the nickname. "Fine, I guess I'll wear it." Daniel said trying to hide his smile.

He put it on and David got out his phone and took a photo of him and Daniel. Max smiled evily from behind the two. He may, or may not have pushed David into Daniel's arms. David tripped and Daniel caught him. David felt the blood rush to his face as Daniel looked at him. After about 5 seconds they got themselves oriented. They heard a voice behind them go "awwww" followed by kids shushing them. They turned around and saw Harrison covering Preston's mouth, who was probably the source of the fanboying. David blushed more and hid in his bandana (I know it's a shirt, but like...). Daniel looked at all the kids. He grabbed one of David's hands and kissed him. Nikki was fangirling while Preston was screaming, "THATS LOVE BITCH!" Space kid walked up to David. "Are you my other dad now?" David chuckled. Max grumbled from the backround. He didn't want it to end like this. 'I DON'T WANT MY DAD DATING A CULTIST!' He screamed in his head. He calmed down. Niel walked up to him. "You ok with this Max? I mean, we all know you hate Daniel, but then again, your the one that pushed David in to Daniel's arms." Niel said. Max stuffed his hands in his hoodie. "Whatever. As long as he doesn't hurt the idiot treeman, he's, tolerable."

Gwen and Jen caught the entire thing on thier phones and sent it two the two men. They had diffrent reactions. David turned to the window and blushed. Daniel on the other hand, walked into the mess hall and said. "Great now your turn." And left. David was still flustered by the whole incident. Daniel on the other hand was glad that he finally got to do that. After months of feelings never going away about the redhead, he finally did it.

David smiled at the kids. "All righty campers! Go to the mess hall and get a glass of hot chocolate to warm you up while we watch a movie!" He said happily. The campers ran inside to get thier drinks. Preston fanboyed one last time before going into the mess hall.

Daniel took David's hand and walked inside. There were lights everywhere, a tree, garland, and presents for everyone. There was a dinner and some hot chocolate next to cookies for each of the campers and counselors. David and Daniel got one and watched as 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' started playing. The counselors were on couches while the campers sat on a carpet next to the screen. QM was hunting for a Christmas Goose. David cuddled closer to Daniel and Jen to Gwen.

*Time skip brought to you by Preston's ships ™*

The movie ended and everybody ate. A blizzard was starting outside, so everybody decided to stay inside. The campers all got pillows and blankets as the watched another movie and fell asleep. The counselors stayed away to *illegally* watch Black Christmas. Gwen, Jen, and Daniel enjoyed it, while David clung to Daniel most of the time and buried his face into Daniel's shirt. Daniel petted his hair to calm him. Eventually, the counselors fell asleep in thier lovers arms. Daniel smiled down at the pure tree man sleeping on his stomach and fell asleep.

The next morning, Nikki woke up first and opened a box full of Christmas and Nature stuff. Niel got a Hannukah dreidel. Max got new headphones. Nerris got a DnD 4th edition book. Harrison got a new top hat. Ered got a cool new skull helmet. Nurf got a new punching glove. Space kid got a book about Space. Dolph got a new art kit. And Preston got a shirt with all of his favorite musicals sewn on the back.

The counselors gave each other presents. David gave Daniel, and visevirsa. Jen gave Gwen one, and visevirsa. David smiled at Daniel's present. A blonde stuffed bear with David's name sewn on the back. He gave Daniel a hug and Daniel opened his present. It was a golden necklace that was shaped like a heart with green and blue diamonds. Inside of the locket, was a picture of both of them. Daniel smiled and put it on. Gwen opened her present of the new manga of My Hero. She hugged Jen and gave her a present too. Jen opened it and it was tickets to Hamilton. She hugged Gwen back. They all just stayed inside and enjoyed themselves. They drank hot chocolate and had a great time. Eventually, thier parents picked them up. Max stayed with David, since he adopted him. Jen smiled at Gwen. Apparently her parents were moving and Gwen couldn't go with them, so she decided to move in with Jen. Daniel didn't really want to be a third wheel, so he started living with David and Max.



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