Ask #53

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Alex: Sure!

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Alex: Sure!

David: That sound fun!

Daniel: I guess...

Max: No

David: Come on

Max: Fineeeeeee

Niel: Why not?

Nikki: Sounds fun! I'm in!

Space kid: Count me in!

Gwen: I'll do it

Jen: I'll play too

Ered: Cool, I'm in

Harrison and Nerris: I'll play!

Preston: No thank you, I have to take over the book while Alex is playing

Dolph: No, I am in the middle of un commizzion, mayve next time

Preston: Time for teams! Alex, Daniel, David, Max, Niel, and Space Kid are team one! Gwen, Jen, Ered, Harrison, Nerris and Nikki are team two! You can decide team names later.

Preston: Time for teams! Alex, Daniel, David, Max, Niel, and Space Kid are team one! Gwen, Jen, Ered, Harrison, Nerris and Nikki are team two! You can decide team names later

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Max: David and Daniel, there my dad

Nikki: Gwen and Jen!

Niel: I have no opinion on this

Space kid: David and Daniel!

Ered: Gwen and Jen, there like, cool lesbians

Preston: BOTH ARE MY OTPS!!!

Harrison: I don't know...

Nerris: I have no opinion on this either

Dolph: Both are un cute!

Alex: So we got 2 GwenJens, two Danvids, two boths, and 3 I don't knows. ITS A TIE!!


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Alex: Mood. Ok guys thank you and campe diem! I start school tommorow and I fucking hate it. Byeeeeee!

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