Ask #59

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Alex: Yes I am a multi-shipper, but these are my mainstream ships! And I need friends too.

Alex: Also like I was saying, check out my other ask book, and the first chapter of the next gen book is up. Have a lovely da-

Max: That was the shortest chapter ever!

Alex: Be quiet

Niel: It was indeed short

Alex: Fine, anyone got ideas?


Alex: H E L L    Y E S

Preston: Ok roles everyone! "Ok, the Main role , Veronica, will be David! J.D, Veronica's boyfriend, will be Daniel! Heather Chanler, will be Sasha! Tabii will be Heather Duke! Erin will be Heather Macnamara! Gwen will be Mrs. Flemming! Niel will Kurt! Max will be Ram! And Martha will be Jasper!

Alex: Nice! Can't wait to see the results, campe diem, and have an nice day!

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