part 1-First time!

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lou is in his house doing his morning routine like taking a shower, dressing up, fixing his hair and making breakfast just for himself, after his done eating he'll put it in the sink and wash it , most of the day he keeps hearing laughing, singing, and dolls talking loudly every time he check to the window he always get so jealous and angry but he just let sadness take over his emotion. he went back to his office trying to ignore those dolls outside, he read some books that he never got to read for a long time called "miracle can happen, someday " while his reading he didn't pay attention to the dolls outside. when his finally finished reading it,  he gave the book a judgmental look and say

Lou: miracle? tsk....then how comes for the past few years no miracle is coming in my life... man why did i even have this book? this is so stupid.

lou angrily throw the book into the trash can.he just got so angry at the book and realize that he might not deserved a miracle anyways because of how he acted for the past few years.his day was again very lonely, boring and sad. When he was in his office he keeps looking at the book and keep thinking about what it was written there until he decided to take the book and put it on a shelf looking at the book like he wonder if miracle is even real . Night came and lou was getting ready for bed, he brushed his teeth, wear his Pj's , turn the lights off and finally went to bed before he could sleep he stared at the ceiling and thought that tomorrow is gonna be another lonely, boring and sad day until he slowly fell asleep.

When it was morning lou woke up to do his morning routine, when lou was almost done eating the door bell suddenly rang, he whipped his mouth with a napkin and got up to go to the door ...he thought it was one of those robots that will give him a new mail but when he opens the door he was surprised it was nolan, lou was so surprised that he got speechless until he ask with a very angry tone...

Lou: Nolan, w-what are you doing here?

nolan notice that lou was very very surprised and angry at the same time  to see him since nolan WAS the one who put lou in the washer , nolan got scared but he breathe in and out so that he would calm down, when he finally calm himself down he told lou...

Nolan: Lou... i-i...i'm sorry...i'm so sorry..about the washer..

Lou looked at nolan confusedly and ask angrily ....

Lou: why are you apologizing even when you think that i deserved being washed that also messes with my hair?!

Nolan looked down to his feet and then to lou's angry eyes .

Nolan: i....i.. i'm..really REALLY SORRY i just can't take it anymore.... ever since the day i put you in the washer.. i thought i would be happy seeing you suffer but while the time pass by i feel very guilty and bad  for putting you in the  washer and........i....i- i thought that maybe i shouldn't have done that and that maybe i should've given you a second chance....because i mean everyone deserve a second chance right?

Lou became so confused but at the same time lou feels a bit happy that someone would feel bad for him after everything that he have been through...he don't know what to he just gave nolan a tiny smile and said...

Lou: O-oh um is that so then um uh.... i....

Nolan: i'm really sorry...

Lou Sigh and thought that he really deserve the washer.after everything he have done. 

Lou: nolan d-don't be...i really deserve to suffer though...i'ts...alright, i guess.

Nolan look so surprised to hear lou forgiving him, at the same time nolan felt happy that lou forgive him .

Nolan: wow! um great uh... thanks..

Lou: thanks for what?

Nolan: for forgiving me...

nolan said it on a very soft and sweet voice while making eye contact with lou's blue ocean eyes.

Nolan: so....i'll be going now, my friends are waiting for me...

when nolan started walking away lou's thought became full of wonder and question....

Lou: Nolan!!!

Nolan look back at lou, lou nervously look down and  said...

Lou: um nolan i...i'm...i'm s-so....sorry...too

 Nolan was again surprise that lou is apologizing, nolan smile and turn back to say...

Nolan: apology accepted!!!

and flee.

Lou felt a relief in his chest as he went inside his house he close the door and he feel so happy to apologize , he sudden realize that this is what it feels like to apologize but something came into his mind he thought of what will happen IF he apologize to the others will they forgive him? that thought went stuck in his mind until the day end when his done with his night routine he just lay back to his bed and keep thinking of what he'll do tomorrow but suddenly that thought he had before about apologizing came to his mind. He can't sleep that night until finally he fell asleep at 1 am .

Next morning he gets out of his bed and do the same thing he does every morning but while his eating he also kept wondering about yesterday...he tried to forget it but he just can't until the bell rang he went to the door and there was nolan again but this time he has a basket of cookies for lo. lou was surprised again.

Lou: Nolan?

Nolan: here i made this for you i forgot to make some yesterday as a apology gift..hope you like it!

nolan was nervously giving the basket to lou, hoping that he would like it.

Lou: oh! um thanks? but you don't have to though...

Nolan: oh um okay then...

nolan puts down the basket, lou notice that nolan might be dissapointed in him not taking the lou decided to take it...

Lou: but even though it seems to be that you really worked hard on this so heh..why not...

nolan became happy again and happily gave the basket when he notice lou's living room that seems to be lonely so he got an idea and just say.....

Nolan:  hey um lou. it looks to me your just by yourself there,maybe i can come inside and have a chat with you ? maybe?

Nolan gave lou a very nervous smile while lou was shocked to hear that. It was quite for a moment when lou said...

Lou: um why?

Nolan: oh um because you look so lonely there and i haven't see you go outside more often and well um maybe i can help you with your loneliness.....

Lou thought that it might be a great idea to have a company but at the same time he wonder why nolan was so nice to him.

Lou; well um okay then, i guess...i could usually need a company though..

nolan's eye sparkled up as he felt happy to help someone.

Nolan: Great! I'm just gonna get something in my house, i'll be right back!!!

lou notice of how happy nolan was while running and  might actually thought that it was.....cute, but he just can't stop wondering why nolan is being nice to him? what came up to his mind? what's happening right now?......while he waits for nolan he took one cookie and taste  it was SOOOO good and so delicious that made lou eat another when nolan came with a paper and a pen.Lou ask...

Lou: um why do you have a paper and a pen?

Nolan:just in case i could help you with something else and so that i could write it..

Lou smiled a bit and notice of how innocent looking nolan was, he shook his head to get that thought gone and finally went inside lou's house.

lou x nolan (Loulan)-can't help falling in love.Where stories live. Discover now