Part 13-Dinner!!!

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Lou was wearing a white buttoned folded collar shirt with long sleeve and a black jacket with black pants and shoes, Nolan blushed hard as he saw lou so Hot...then Lou walks towards nolan and said...

Lou: so what do you think?

Nolan: i think you look ...PERFECT~

Lou: and so do you~

He said in a flirtatious tone as he grabs Nolan's waist and pulls him closer as they kissed, Nolan giggles as they went out and meet up with the others.As they all finally meet up they went to a fancy restaurant ,they went inside and took a sit to a family size table and as they were ordering they had a few chats as Nolan saw the new dolls and new toys also having dinner together on a different table, Marzia saw him as she waved at nolan cheerfully ,Nolan waved back as Lou noticed that nolan was waving he looks at the new dolls and waved as well, When their foods were served, Nolan was about to take a bite when he noticed of how Samuel glare at him, He got nervous as he eats his food ,when they were done and left to go home they all waved each others goodbye....As the two walks home ,Nolan just can't help but feel scared, Lou noticed as he gets worried...

Lou: Nolan, Are you worried about samuel again?


Lou: I told you don't worry about him, Because i won't ever EVER let anything happens to you

Nolan: Ok....

Nolan said nervously as he gave lou a small smile and as they arrived home they both went to their rooms, changed and kiss each others goodnight .Lou fell asleep but Nolan just can't help but worry as he finally fell asleep. 

Nolan woke up at 7 am, he yawned for a second and went to Lou's room to check on him, when he was about to grab the door knob Lou suddenly opens it but instead of a happy face, lou looked shocked. Nolan noticed as he asked worriedly...

Nolan: Lou? Is something wrong?

Lou: .....Who are you?

Nolan was shocked to hear this words as he tried to laugh it off and said nervously...

Nolan: Hahaha, Your joking right? tell me your joking Louis...

Lou just then looked he said seriously making Nolan tear up...

Lou: Do i look like i'm joking, right now?

Nolan: so wait...your not?

Lou: of course not! also what are you doing here?

Nolan: y-you don't remember me? but we've been dating so many times....

Lou: Dating?! Do i look like a GAY to you?!

Nolan: B-but...


Nolan: But lou...i Love you...

Lou: Love me?! Ugh your so Disgusting!!! GET OUT!!!

Lou said angrily as Nolan ran out of the house crying and as he went out ,the sky was was dark grey and thunder keeps flashing Nolan just then stop by at a coffee shop still crying when it started to rain and when a figure appear in front of him, he was shocked as he fell down and as the figure was getting closer Nola saw of how red the eye is until the flash of the thunder lights up the face of the figure, And it was Samuel...Nolan got scared when Samuel had a evil smirk on his face and said...

Samuel: It serves you right, Nolan~ Because A guy like lou, Wouldn't want such disgusting being like you...i mean look at yourself.... you are just So UGLY....and since Lou Doesn't need you anymore..Guess it's time to say goodbye...

Samuel said as he pulls out a knife out of his pocket and was about to Stab Nolan...Nolan Woke up with a scream as he realize that it was just a dream, he was sweating and crying when he heard the door opens quickly as he saw lou got worried, Lou quickly ran over to Nolan's Bed and Hugged him and asked him worriedly....

Lou: Nolan,Baby, are you alright? What happened?

Nolan:Oh lou, It was Horrible...It was...Terrifying...*sob*

Lou: shh~ hey it's alright now,ok? i'm don't worry baby...

Nolan: Lou...*sob*

Lou: shh~ it's alright now 

Lou says as they hugged each other while Nolan is still crying as his tears falling into Lou's Back. They both Got changed and had breakfast .... And as they went outside Nolan still felt Terrified from his nightmare Lou noticed when Nolan worriedly said...

Nolan: hey Lou...

Lou: yes sweetie?

Nolan:Do you also promise not to forget me?..

Lou: of course i do! whay did you ask?


Lou: Is that what you dream about? me forgetting you?

Nolan just then nod sadly as lou holds nolan's tightly and said calmly..

Lou: Don't worry because that won't ever happen to us, I love you, always love you...But if i'm not around you need to be strong for me and for the others so relax Because i swear if someone try to hurt...they'll be going to hell...

Lou said as he kisses nolan's cheek , Nolan just then Smiled at lou knowing that lou really means it. The two went over to a library so nolan would cheer up again and as nolan was sparkled up seeing new books he saw Gabriela also reading a book, he went over to talk to her while lou was also checking some books but it's about prototypes.


lou x nolan (Loulan)-can't help falling in love.Where stories live. Discover now