Part 4-Love????

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Lou went on with his morning routine but while his eating breakfast he suddenly thought about sweet, sweet nolan Is, he then realize...why is he thinking about nolan? he tried thinking about something else but he just can't stop thinking about him when suddenly the bell rang lou got up from his sit and went to open the door. Nolan was there again greeting nolan with a nice smile, Lou suddenly remember his dream and start blushing seeing nolan .Nolan notice lou's red face and ask curiously.....

Nolan: Um lou? are you alright?

Lou: uhhhhhhhhh...yes..i'm fine.

Lou answer nervously as he look down and let nolan go inside and as they both sit nolan stated they're conversation while lou just suddenly spaced out as he look  to nolan's cute face when nolan ask something to lou ....lou just then realize that he wasn't listening so he ask what the question was calmly so nolan wouldn't notice something different in him...

Lou: oh uh what?

Nolan: I uh ask if you're ok? because i notice that your spacing out,mind telling me what's on your mind?

Lou: oh's nothing really. hold on i'll go get some drinks

lou answer nervously as he walk away towards the kitchen to get some juice.before he open the fridge, he kept thinking of what is wrong with him ....he then took the juice and pour it in two drinking glasses and took it and give one to nolan. Nolan gave lou a concerning face while he getting the juice, lou notice and ask...

Lou: .......What?

Nolan: you look very bothered, why can't you tell what's wrong? come on, please? i just can't stand seeing  my friend worried and bothered, so please tell me , it'll make things easier for you.

Lou thought that if he told nolan the truth about what his thinking, nolan might think that his some kind a strange doll so he decide not to tell and calmly said....

Lou: i'm fine, really, you don't have to worry about me nolan. 

As lou gave nolan a small smile, nolan just can't help but feel worried and wanting to force him to tell but he didn't want lou to get angry at him so he decided to keep quiet. Time has passed the two are still chatting when nolan was about to leave 'cause he need to do something as they waved goodbye to each other, lou can't stop noticing  nolan's concerning face as he felt bad for making nolan's happy face  into a worried face , lou didn't want nolan to get worried but he just don't know why he keeps thinking about him and what does the dream means? why does he felt so..... different when nolan was around? and while no one was around he ask himself in his office....

Lou: Why does it fell like...i like i really really like him?

Until he realize that he doesn't just like  Nolan...he fell in love with soon as he realize that he stated to panic and keep saying....

Lou:no no no no NO! this can't be happening to me! i-i can't be gay! that's impossible! i'm a guy, what the heck is wrong with me?! why am i like this? what the - wait, what if he finds out that i'm like this? oh no he might think that i'm such a weirdo, he might hate me... forever, he might even leave me like the others...

while he thought of it it shook his hand and tried to calm down...

Lou: no , don't think like that lou...*sigh*

as he checked the window he saw nolan again with moxy and mandy but this time while lou was looking nolan, nolan saw lou and waved while moxy and mandy look at lou in the window, lou just spaced out and just waved back with a smile on his face until lou notice that moxy and mandy was looking at him so he just quickly hides.

Nolan saw how scared lou was , he felt bad when mandy and moxy asked nolan....

Mandy: hey Nolan, can we maybe go with you tomorrow at Lou's place?

Nolan: huh? um why'd you ask?

Moxy: you see.. we felt bad for him being alone and trapped in that big house and since you often go to his place i think your making him softer and more open so me and mandy thought of going with you tomorrow, might help him be more open to others and not just to you, so please?

Nolan: well um i don't know, i mean his really scared and might be slight angry to other people but come to think of it ,why not? for sure and hopefully he'll start trusting people and might encourage him to go ok, tomorrow we'll be going together.

nolan answered cheerfully as moxy and mandy had a smile on their faces, happy to help others so they went into mandy's place to have a nice and conversation on how they will face lou. once they're gone lou checked and sighed with a relief and just really can't believe that he would fall for someone like a boy like nolan but he just sighed and try to relax....his feeling for nolan was so strong and true that he just decided to accept what he is now and his feeling for nolan ,he didn't stop thinking about Nolan..night came, night routine was done and finally he went to bed still thinking about nolan when he fell asleep .

Next day came as lou was done eating he wash his dishes when the bell rang he look at the door before he opens it he fixes his hair and try to look relaxed but when lou open the door he was schocked he saw mandy and moxy with nolan.

lou x nolan (Loulan)-can't help falling in love.Where stories live. Discover now