Part 18 - Step 1.

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After lunch Victor was given this Bluetooth earphone only for his left ear , while Victor was walking his way to a supply store when he saw Samuel, who looks very VERY pissed by the way, mumbling while walking not caring who he'll bumped into.
Victor gulped and took a deep breath.

Victor: guys his here, so I'mma start step one now.

Victor whisperly said as he pushed a small button on the earphone before walking towards Samuel.
Samuel didn't notice Victor coming cause he was busy cursing under his breath, Sam yelped a bit when he felt someone touch his shoulder, he turn around and sighed in relief when he realize that it was just Victor but still have the annoyed Expression and just started ask angrily

Samuel: oh for crying out loud! Victor! Haven't heard about greeting people by calling out their names?! Seriously! I almost had a heart attack.

Victor: heh sorry then, are you alright? You seem pissed, like obviously..
*Scratches the back of his head*

Samuel: I AM pissed, people this day are just disgusting.
*Said with a disgusted look on his face*

Victor: okay?

(From the earphone
Bet his talking about us.
* In a menacing tone*

Sweetie relax, go on and ask him now Vic.)

Victor: say um Samuel, how about we have a walk and talk by the beach?

Samuel: ugh! Why?

Victor: well it's to help you cool your head and might as well forget the problem, we can also talk about what's been pissing you off if you'd like? That is if your not busy now.
*Said with a small smile*

Samuel just look at Vic with a questioning look but just sighed...

Samuel: yeah I'm not busy right now, also your right. Walking and talking my problems might as well help.

Victor: *smiles cheerfully*


Marzia: aw and here I thought vic. Will use his puppy dog eyes.)

Victor: the hell?...
* In a whisperly tone*

Samuel: what?

Victor: wha- *clear his throat* I said let's go, the beach isn't gonna come to us y'know.

Samuel: *sigh* yeah, let's go I really REALLY need some fresh air.
* Turns around and started to walk towards the beach*

Victor: ey wait up!

Victor catched up and they both started to walk towards the beach until they've arrived and started to walk near the shore.

Victor: so um... How was your morning?

Samuel: it's fine I guess.

Victor: Hilton told me you went to help Michael with something earlier, what was it?

Samuel: why do you wanna know?

Victor: well you and Hilton are always together since our first day here, so you two mostly look like brothers and also because he asked.

Samuel: *sighs* right I forgot to tell him since he started act like an overprotective brother, Michael asked me to help him fix the baby's car along with the other engineers. And I so regret agreeing to help.
* Have an annoyed face on the last sentence*

Victor: why?

Samuel: right after we finish fixing the inside of the car, these two girls were Flirting with each other loudly while we were painting the car, it was so disgusting hearing their 'I love you's to each other and seeing the other kiss the others hand, the worst part was when I was about to leave,these girls asked ME to take their picture before I could declined they shoved their camera to my hands and got ready for the picture, I was so annoyed but decided to get it over with as I hit the button of the camera I saw with my own two eyes those girls kiss, not on the cheek but on their freaking lips, they thanked me and left, leaving me their so pissed. Ugh! It was SO disgusting, what they did wasn't right at all! That goes the same thing with Lou and that stupid Nolan, why waste his leadership and talents on nolan, for being a faggot but mostly on that Nolan freak. Homos are so disgusting!
*Said loudly in an angry tone*

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