Part 21 -Step 3.

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Morning came and everydoll were in their houses some are outside to have breakfast. Lou and Nolan were just eating their breakfast in a comfortable silence and as they finished they heard a knock on the front door, while Nolan was washing the dishes Lou got up to open the door to reveal their friends along with Hilton, marzia, Gabriela and Victor. As Lou let them in he noticed Hilton snickering while Victor was blushing madly, when everyone settled down in the living room Hilton quickly broke the silence for about 3 seconds....

Hilton: guys! You won't believe what happened yesterday at lunch! It was amazing!

Moxy: oooh, really? What happened then?

Hilton: *ahem* you see. Me, marzia, Gabriela, Victor and Samuel decided to have lunch together at nearby restaurant. Of course Samuel started to complain about how wrong same sex couples and how it is a waste of life choosing to be gay that is *snickered* until VICTOR here...hehe... Explained SO wisely how being gay is not a choice...... And *giggled* did you guys know what he just said....

Everyone: what?

Victor: Hilton, don't....please... Im already a mess yesterday and I don't want to be mess again later....

Hilton: HA! your always a mess you just haven't noticed it until now, * looks at everyone with a smug look* anywho he said.. *cleared his throat as he prepared to mimick Victor's action yesterday* 'being gay is not a choice, it just.... Suddenly happen, you thought your straight as a ruler but once you have found the one, you will suddenly bend over...'

Everyone was at shock while Victor was a blushing mess, babo then snickered while Lou was trying hard not to laugh, the spy girls giggled a bit and the room was filled with another silence until slick broke it...

Slick: Nice!

Everyone burst out laughing except for Victor who just groaned and glared at Hilton, minutes have passed and everyone was now catching their breath....

Lou: sorry, that was just.... *Sighed*... That just sounded a bit...hehe... Wrong.

Marzia: right? I mean if he's going to flirt, he should've used the most common one....

Victor: and that is? *Still glaring at Hilton*

Marzia: 'your spaghetti when you're wet' * Burst out laughing*

Victor: * turns his head towards marzia blushed again* WHAT?! NO!! THAT'S EVEN WORSE THAN MY 'RULER'!!!!
*realise how he said 'my 'ruler'*.....
That ....sounded..... Wrong.

Marzia, Hilton and the spy girls Burst laughing again until ox shushed them and look at Victor.

Ox: don't worry Vic. Mistake were meant to slip from out tounges every now and then.

Victor: yeah.... Hopefully that wouldn't happen again.

Slick: dude, it's alright it's not like Sam got intimidated by it, right?

Victor:.... Um... I think he did.... 'cause he blushed a bit?

Lou: he blushed?..... He didn't looked disgusted by it?

Victor: i-i think so.... I just saw shock and blush in his face.

Lou: that's good I guess, hehe even though if you're gonna flirt with him, Don't talk dirty, it will only and surely just pissed him off. Just flirt with him casually.

Victor: i-i wasn't even trying to f-flirt with h-him not have a d-dirty talk, it just slipped out. Also flirt casually? That's easy for you to do, I mean just look at you, your confident, talented, good looking and.... And uh...

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