Part 17- start of the plan

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Another day has arrived and everyone are already up. After Lou and Nolan finished their morning routines they went out to go to moxy's place to have a meeting. When the couples arrived the others are already there waiting, Mandy and the spy girls are sitting on the couch, Moxy and ox are sitting on a loveseat right next to the couch, Gabriela and marzia are sitting on a sofa besides the love seat while Hilton, Victor, slick and lucky sat on the floor and wage and babo just stand behind the couch. Lou then divided to sit on the floor and quickly pull Nolan to sit in his lap, Nolan blush lightly...

Moxy: alright since everyone's present let us now begin this meeting

Ox: that's right, also Hilton? Did you make sure that Samuel didn't follow you four?

Hilton: of course I did, hehehe......
*Saw Gabriela glaring at him*
Actually no... Gabriela did...

Moxy: what do you mean Gabriela did?

Hilton: well....

Gabriela: you see, Hilton here was so excited to have this meeting that he forgot to tell an excuse to Samuel ,who looked puzzled of Hilton's goofy smile, Hilton was walking fast clearly forgetting Samuel behind him, of course he stopped walking when Samuel asked him what's going on, Hilton keeps saying 'nothing' until Samuel had enough and demandingly asked again, that's where I came in, I just told Samuel that me and Hilton here will be in the library researching about psychology facts and sci-fi. Of course that's not true but Samuel did fall for it and left to go help Michael.

Slick: *whistles* dang she saved you, good.

Lou: alright everybody let's start now. Step by step who's gonna suggest first?

Mandy: *raises her hand* I have, ok so I was thinking, how about you talk and walk to the beach, I Know it's cliche but it'll be a good start. If Sam keeps blabbering about his hatred towards homos just question him why, your not gonna protest nor agree to his statements, just question him and try to change the subject. The walk can begin later after lunch if his not busy.

Victor: that sounds... Pretty... Uneasy. But I'll try.

Moxy: good, that will be step one. Next?

Wage: *raise her hand* me, okay so after the walk you will still talk but it will take place inside a cafe, obviously you will ask him to hang out with you as a 'friend', when you already have ordered your drinks and food YOU must pay for both of you as a gentleman, if he complains about you paying place a finger on his lips to make him shut up, then just smiled and leave the cafe with him.

Victor: place a finger? ON his LIPS?

Wage: yep, that's what I said.


Wage: that's step two so don't worry, it's not like you'll skip step one.

Victor: o-of course I won't.

Wage: great, now for those who wants to continue the steps, please raise your hand..

Nolan: *raises his hand*

Lou: hehehe what do you got sweetie.
* Placing his chin on Nolan's shoulder while smirking at him*

Nolan: well I was thinking.. maybe.. marzia here to call Samuel to have you five to hang out, if Samuel agree to come, all of you will go to have ice creams, you guys will just talk when Hilton excuse himself by taking marzias ice cream then tease while running away, of course marzia will stay chasing him and Gabriela will act that she's unimpressed of their 'maturity' that leaves you two alone again. Also if Sam's eat ice cream messy you clean his face either with your thumb or your handkerchief.

Victor: *blushes hard* d-d-does that mean...I-i..Im going to touch his cheeks?

Nolan: yeah


Nolan: okay so that's step three.

Tuesday: hey um Vic? You and Sam are friends right? Then do you have his number?

Victor: um...yes I do.

Tuesday: awesome cause this next step is about you calling him while he is at his workplace, and ask him to go to the movies. Do you like horror movies?

Victor: yesss? Well I like documentary movies more. But yeah. Why do you ask?

Kitty: it's because that's what you'll be watching with him, which will hopefully scare him to make him cling to you.

Victor: ...... Um.... Why can't we just watch some comedy movies.?

Lydia: horrors are more effective than comedies darling.
* Looking at her pink purple polished nails*

Lou: that's four steps, and one more to successfully make Sam yours....

Victor: guys I don't want to make or force him to be mine, I just want to have him to be mine..

Lou: don't worry we not going to force him, in fact this last step will just be you two having dinner and try flirting with him and that's it, well of course you must be a gentleman, you must open the door for him, pull his chair for him and must escort him back to his home.

Victor: flirting?! But I'm no good in flirting...

Babo: we'll help ya buddy.

Slick: yeah and if your asking help on flirting, this guy right here will help ya'
*Points at himself*

Lucky: of course ,you must do it carefully, step by step will be done slowly so it will help you both feel comfortable.

Victor: know I'm starting to think that this is a bad idea.

Victor said nervously making everyone look at him with concern but also with a reassuring smile that it's not a bad idea.

Marzia: oh don't worry, if this plan ever goes downhill, there would always be plan B.
* Smiled cheerfully*

Victor: plan B? What's that?

Marzia: we'll beat him up!
* Said with an innocent smile*

Victor: NO! No no no no no no NO! you will NOT hurt him!
* Points a finger towards marzia while also glaring at her*

Marzia: HAhahaha, I'm kidding relax, eeesh... But seriously don't worry because we will always have your back.

Gabriela: yes, always. So it's either now or never.



Victor:........  Alright, let's try.


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