Part 6- friendship and confession..

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Another day came by and lou was almost done eating his breakfast when the bell rang as he gets up he went to open door happily and yet surprised because nolan isn't just with moxy, mandy and the spygirl but this time slick dog, lucky bat, babo and wage...lou just inhale and exhale to act naturally and greeted them nervously slick, lucky, babo and wage also greeted nolan nicely and said......

lucky bat: so lou, we heard that you changed as you live here alone...

Lou: uh i.....i-i guess so? also sorry for everything...

Slick: heh don't sweat it kid, it's all in the past now, time has passed...

Babo: and we are so glad hearing you say those words...

Wage: and of course we forgive you...

Lou: heh thanks guys...

lou answered happily  as they all went inside...they had a few chat, a few coffee break and a few laughs when nolan asked to go to the restroom first, lou was about to escort nolan but nolan said that he'll be fine for he knows where the restroom is, when lou asked....

Lou: you sure, nolan?....well just make sure you won't slipped again like last time.

Lou said in a flattering tone that made nolan remembers what happened last time and made him slightly blush and laugh, nolan said ok in a cheerful tone. when nolan went upstairs lou just can't help but daydream when the others notice how lou looked at nolan....then one of them said something loudly...


making lou stop daydreaming , he turn around as he  saw everyone's smirky face when he tried to act natural  and asked....

Lou: what's with that look?

Kitty: Lou stop pretending that we don't know..

Lou: don't know what?

Kitty: worry about nolan 'cause his like a little boy that might get lost into a big mansion,  right?

Lou felt a relief and calmly said yes when lou was shocked to hear what tuesday says...

Tuesday: what? i-i thought you guys thought that lou likes him?

Lydia: Tuesday, please...they only got a few days hanging out together and that doesn't mean they're dating...and besides i can't imagine lou having a boyfriend. also stop reading fanfics, you read too much...

Lou: heh yeah tuesday...also may i have a word with you..

Tuesday: OH sure!

Lou: Come with me!

Lou and tuesday just went to upstairs so no one will hear them, Tuesday notice lou's worried face and asked....

Tuesday: so um...sorry about that!

Lou; no don't be! in

Tuesday: in fact......? that you really like him?

lou: y-yes?~

Tuesday was so up top on fangirling when nolan told her to keep it down or else they'll find out...

Tuesday: Oh sorry hehehe

Lou: how did you know anyway?

Tuesday: i can tell it by the way you look at him and when you spaced out...

Lou: can you please not tell this to anyone, even to them?

Tuesday: huh? why not?

Lou: you heard what lydia said and besides i think they'll think of me as a weird gay doll...just please ,i am begging you, Don't. Tell. Anyone.!!!

lou x nolan (Loulan)-can't help falling in love.Where stories live. Discover now