Part 19- Step 2.

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Another day has come and Lou and Nolan were done with their morning routines, once the lovebirds are out they quickly went to moxy's place to continue the OPERATION. Once they arrive only Moxy, Mandy, slick, ox, Hilton and marzia are there.

Lou: good morning guys, where's the others?

Moxy: oh hey, the others have other plans so they couldn't make it, but Victor is just getting ready in his house.

Nolan: hehe ok then

Mandy: alright you guys ready to start step two?
*She asked while fixing the audio and the mic that is Bluetooth connected to Vic's earphone*

Everyone in the house:

At uglyville...
Victor was walking around while thinking about the steps...he was nervous and he started to blush at the idea of how to shut Samuel up if he complains...Vic was still walking until he saw a cafe but also saw Samuel going inside. Once Samuel was inside, Vic quickly said in a whisperly tone...

Victor: guys his already in the cafe and I haven't asked him yet...

(Ox: that's good I guess, it'll make things easier.

Mandy: alright just calm down and go inside as well.)

Vic nodded as he entered the cafe, he look around and saw Samuel ordering on the front counter. Vic quickly walk towards him, good thing there isn't any lines, he stopped walking when he stood closely next to Samuel but Sam didn't seem to notice Vic's presence as he ordered his food and drink.

Samuel: I will have a Mexican cappuccino and a blueberry muffin please...

Victor: make that two Mexican cappuccino then a plum muffin for me please...
* Said while leaning towards Samuels right face*

Samuel: *jumped a little from getting startled by vic* WHAT THE FU- * saw Vic then sighed* holy doll, Victor! Now what have I told you before about greeting people?

Victor: * chuckled then smiled innocently*  call them by their names.

Samuel: right, but why on earth would you still do that?

Victor: do what?

Samuel: don't play dumb you know exactly WHAT is, also what are you doing here?

Victor: well obviously I came here to get breakfast.

Samuel: *blush from embarrassment* right, of course.

Male Cashier doll: ok sir yours will be 25 dollars. *Points at Samuel* then yours will be 30 Dollars. *Points at Victor*

Samuel was about to get his wallet when Vic quickly took 70 Dollars out from his wallet and hand it to the Cashier, Samuel didn't notice how much Vic gave but he still was shocked and was about to ask when Vic said in a casual tone...

Victor: for the both of us, also keep the change.

Male Cashier doll: thank you sir, your orders will be delivered soon to your sits.

Samuel: wait what?! Victor, why the hell did you pay for me? I have money too you know?! How much did you pay? You know what nevermind that, I'll just pay you back. Seriously though why would-
* Vic placed his index finger on Sam's lips which made Sam blush lightly*

Victor: don't worry it's on me, I just feel like it. You don't have to pay me back, it's fine. I just like spending money for someone I care about or for my friends.
* Smiled and carefully removed his index finger away from Sam's lips*

Victor: *turns to look at the Cashier* oh also a 2 chocolate croissants in take out please. *Hands the cashier 15 dollars*

Male Cashier doll: ok sir, just for a moment on your seats, have great morning!

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