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As the castle was catching fire, a mother and her daughter could be seen running down a corridor, hand in hand.

" Do not let got of my hand, Vesta! Do NOT let go! "

The young girl only answered with a small yes, completely terrified. A few hours earlier, everything had been peaceful. No sign of danger. And now, as she could see it through the windows, the whole capital... was going up in flames. She could hear what seemed to be hundreds of voices... screaming. How did it had come to this? ...

They eventually reached an exit to the outside and as they crossed the door, the castle aisle crumbled behind them. The woman turned back, raw terror in her eyes as she realized they had just barely escaped death. As she took her daughter firmly in her arms, she took a deep breath and whispered:

" Vesta... I want you to listen to me very carefully.

- Yes, mama? ...

- You... I- "

The mother bit her bottom lip. She felt utterly powerless and felt guilty about was she was about to ask her daughter.

" Vesta, I am going to stay here. I want you to run as far as you can.

- M-Mama? ...

- Remember where Volta is?

- It's to the south, right?

- Yes, sweetheart. It's a few hours away from here. See this?"

Vesta's mother pointed to a rock structure in the distance. Two mountains formed an arch in the sky, and the moon could be seen, shining bright in the middle.

" Go in this direction and do not stop. No matter what happens, what you see or hear- do not stop-

- B-But.. What about you, mama? ... "

The woman stopped for a moment and gave her daughter a smile. A sad one, but a smile nonetheless. She felt tears forming in her eyes but she restrained herself from letting them fall. Now wasn't the time for tears or regrets. She had to be strong, even if it meant making the hardest decision in her entire life. She softly took her daughter's face in her hands.

" Vesta, I need to tell you one last thing... I am now going to teach you an incantation. This is... a very powerful spell and I cannot tell you exactly what it does for your own safety. But... If the men from before manage to find you before you've reached Volta... I want you to use this spell. Remember, do NOT use it if you are not in danger, you must only make use of it as a last resort.

- I can't know what it does?

- No, sweetheart. It's better this way."


Vesta shivered. The enemy was getting closer. Without warning, her mother hugged her real close. Like it was the last time she could ever feel her daughter's embrace. It probably would be the last time.

" I love you... my little firebird. So very much... "

Then, after a moment of silence, Vesta heard her mother whisper the incantation. It was short and precise. She repeated it after her mother and the latter nodded. She was pronouncing it correctly... she would be okay.

Abruptly, Vesta felt herself being pushed away. She looked at her mother, confused with tears in her eyes.

" Mama-

- Now go.

- Ma-

- GO ! ... "

Vesta started to sob. She did not want to leave her mother. She wanted to stay with her, always, but- she trusted her to know better. She slowly started to walk backward, not wanting to break her mother's eye contact. As another bang resounded, even closer to them, Vesta finally started running in the opposite direction. She ran and ran, crying to herself. Everything went silent in her head. The desperate cries of the people in the city. The sound of houses falling apart.  

Vesta only thought of her mother and her last words.

Run as far as you can

And so Vesta ran.

Lolirock : Broken Memories | Season 3Where stories live. Discover now