Chapter 8: Never Kiss and Tell...

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"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know..." Will muttered. I asked him if he liked me, I'm guessing he does because he said I'm pretty but then again, it could just be a compliment.

"Okay, just give me a straight answer Will. Yes or no?" I said as I waited for his answer. The suspense is killing me, my heart is beating faster than ever.

Will just sighed and put his hand behind his head. "Yes. I guess I do like you..." My heart skipped a beat, there were butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks were heating up, I felt things. Things I never felt before. It felt weird. A good and bad kind of weird. Will likes me. William Henderson likes me.
But what do I say? Now that he said it, what do I say? Do I like him? I have mixed feelings for him. I like him and at the same time... yeah maybe just that. But it's kind of crazy, I just met him. But maybe that's what they call "L-word at first sight". But what if he just likes me as a friend? What will I say? I'm overthinking this... It's not like he'll ask me this time if I...

"How about you Dani?" He said. "What do you feel about me?"

I just looked down on the ground, I have the words in my mind Yes, I like you. I like you a lot. Ever since I saw you, I thought you were perfect. I like you. But you know what I just did? I ran. I ran towards class and not looked back. I quickly sat down and covered my face with my books. I peeked and saw William come in with a confused look on his face. He sat swim and looked back. I quickly covered my face and ignore him. I was too scared to share what I feel, even if I know he feels the same way... I just can't tell him. Maybe I'll explain it to him later. I'll apologize and tell him the scenario and tell him what I feel. But I guess he doesn't want to talk to me after that. I really fucked up that time...


After class, I try to catch up to Will. he was about to go out when I was about to tap him on the shoulder. My finger was near him and then I thought, Nah, maybe later... And I quickly walked out but I herd him call my name.

"Danica!" He called out and approached me. I turn around and see Will with his arms crossed. "What was that about? I was asking you a question and you'd just ran off and you..."

"Yes..." I cut him off. "I know sorry, it's just that I was too scared to share how I feel, that's all. I'm sorry." I explained. He just nodded and looked back at me.

"Okay, I forgive you. But back to my question..." He shut the door behind me. I was against the door, and he was in front of me. This is like the closest that we have ever been to each other. And it's crazy because we just met and all. But at the same time, we did not.

"Do you like me back?" He asked me. I could feel my heart beat fast and my breaths cut shorter. This is so weird. He's close enough to feel my heart, he's close enough to see how nervous I am right now.

"Um, I guess so... I think I kind of like you." I finally say. "Can you move now?" He took a step back and muttered a sorry. Finally, I got that off my chest...

"Okay, you like me?" He says. I nod and reply. "Yeah, just a bit I guess..."

He just nodded an ran his fingers through his hair. "Wow, okay. That's, cool to her I guess..."

"Yeah..." I chuckled awkwardly as I look down. 

"Yeah..." He cleared his throat. We both stayed silent. And you could say that it was beyond awkward...


"So I got to get to class now I guess..." Dani said as she got her things from her seat and went out. Leaving me once again, dazed. And confused.

"I think I kind of like you..." Her words played through my mind like a broken record.  She likes me back, I can't believe it. Dani likes me back. I didn't really know how to react to it but right now, I'm rejoicing. It's really weird to know that a person you like, likes you back. For a minute there I thought that I was going to the friends one or something. I thought that she was going to say something like I like you too, as a friend... But no, she liked me back. It was kind of weird and awkward, the way we said it to each other but I guess it's meant to be like that.

I was walking to my next and last class. I settled myself in a seat next to Gordon. He noticed that I was smiling like crazy and he nudged me in the arm.

"Dude, what's with you? Did you take our meds today? You look weird..."

I just roll my red and ignore him. Class went by fast and I was about to head home when Gordon catch up with me.

"Hey William, wanna hang out later? I haven't played video games with you ever since you came back in town..."

I just shrug and nod. "Yeah sure..."

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Were gonna play CoD tonight!"

I just shake my head and just laugh. Me and Gordon were headed for my house when I see Dani. She's getting things from her locker before closing it shut. I look at her while we walked through the hallway. She looks back at me and smiles. I just shyly grinned and continue walking. Now that we both know how we feel towards each other, it feels weird. It's like I see her differently, I guess that's what she feels too. Tomorrow, it's going to be different. We're going to see each other differently...

"Dude, seriously what's with you? You've been acting weird lately... are you coming in with the flu?" Gordon said causing me to snap out of it.

"Uh nothing nothing..." I mutter as I look back at Dani one more time. He looks at what I'm looking and looks back at me.

"Oohhh I get it, you're checking out that Danica chick. Right?" He wiggled his eyebrows and nudged me on the arm. I push his arm away and shake my head.

"Yeah whatever, something like that."

"Wait what do you mean?" He said in shock.

"It's nothing really..."

"Come on you could tell me Will..."

"Sorry no it's private."

"Something's up an I know it, com one tell me Will." He continuously poked me on the arm. "Come on tell me. Tell me. Come on Will. Tell me. Tell me."

"Okay!" I said as he stopped poking me. "Okay, if I'll tell you will you stop being such an ass?" He nodded. I sighed as I told him all about what happened between me and Dani. He kept on nodding as I told him about Dani liking me.

"Now promise me that you won't tell anybody about this?" I said. He just nodded and crossed his heart.

"I swear to not tell a soul." he reassured me. "Okay so tell me, did you do it?"

I looked at him weirdly. "Do what?"

"You know... it." I thought what it was and then I remembered the way Gordon would think....

"Ew dude gross. That's why I never wanted to tell you stuff regarding girls... You perv..." I knew he'd say something like that. Why did I even bother telling him...

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