Switching Bodies - Awkward Breakfast

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Jungkook slept on the sofa that night he at least owed Jimin a good nights sleep on the king sized bed after hearing the "big news"

..He wasn't Jungkook.

He shrugged sadly to himself and got up off the sofa stretching and made his way to the dining room where everybody was sitting down, including Jimin.

Jungkook sat awfully far away from Jimin next to Jin and Namjoon but everyone didn't seem to notice and just kept up conversation.

The house maid came into the room and tapped on Jungkook's shoulder earning a glare from Jimin but she didn't notice.

"Jungkook-ssi you have a message from the front desk of your house by someone named Jae-Hyun?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, THE ORIGINIAL JUNGKOOK WHO WAS IN HIS BODY CALLED HIM?! He dashed out of the dining room while Jimin followed after hearing the news.

The house maid grabbed Jungkook's wrist which made everybody go silent and look towards them both.

"What's going on?" She said silently.

"That's none of your concern *maid* so please go back to your chores" Jimin answered coldly and gripped Jungkook's wrist pulling him off to the main entrance with Jungkook yelping sorry to the maid as they ran off.

The maid stood in place sadly and began picking up the plates on the dining room table earning a pat on the back from Namjoon which made Jin pull his ear earning a giggle from the petite girl.

He made his way to the house phone and impatiently said "J-Jungkook?! Are you there?!"

"Yes, I am" said a voice. The voice started "why are you in my body.. We've switched places and I've had to go through so many connections just to call this stupid house phone!"

Jungkook wanted to say something back but Jimin bluntly grabbed the house phone and snapped "Jungkookie~?!"

Jungkook blushed and replied "hey Jimin-ssi" he laughed through the phone.

"When will you be back in your original body..?" Jimin questioned sniffling.

"Soon.. Just.. Just wait for me, ok Jimin-ssi?" He spoke sweet and softly through the phone sending chills down Jimin's spine.

It didn't sound like Jungkook's original voice but Jimin knew he would hear his real voice soon.

"How do you know?!" Jimin cried while Jungkook patted him on the shoulder. "This is so messed up... I even slept with the fake Jungkook.. I'm sorry Kookie.."

There was silence through the phone and then then the voice spoke "don't worry.. This situation is fucked enough as it is but just try to act like I'm still there.. Talk to Jae-Hyun like it's me and be yourself.. I've got a plan and in a few days I'll be back.."

Jimin cried and held onto "Jungkook" who took the phone from him and they both said there goodbyes to the real Jungkook and held onto eachother.

"He will come back.." Jimin wheezed.

"O-Of  course Jimin.." Jungkook whispered wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist tight, but deep inside there was a tugging at his heart strings and his chest began to hurt.. What if he didn't want to leave?

But he had to, for Jimin and Jungkook's sake.

"One problem though.." Jimin squeezed out of the hug and Jungkook looked puzzled.

"You've got over 100 choreography's to learn before next weeks "love yourself tour" Jungkook.." Jimin smiled awkwardly.


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