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Three: Road To Hell.

I'm starting to kind of like Daryl, he's the type that you see all the time no matter how much you try not to, and they just warm up to after a while

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I'm starting to kind of like Daryl, he's the type that you see all the time no matter how much you try not to, and they just warm up to after a while. Though since we don't really talk but when we do I think he kind of does enjoy it? I don't know with that man it's hard to tell what he feel's I don't think he likes me like that I think he may have it for Beth, it makes me sort of sad? I think, I don't even know at this point. I mean I've only been here a couple months. I walk out of my cell throwing my green jacket on over my black shirt, before stretching my tan arms over my head yawning. It was my turn to help off some walkers at the fences with Glenn Maggie and Rick but before I could even fully leave the stairs, I heard gun fire. Running down the remaining steps and outside I see Carl and Oliver with Daryl and Rick the others are fighting the governor, God that man is like a roach infestation. Rick started to fight him I saw Hershel's practically headless body and Michonne running Carl helped his dad. Before I even knew it, I'd lost Oliver and Daryl. I hold my gun out in front of me my eyes squinted from the smoke. Looking around for my baby brother I felt a rippling burning sensation in my arm causing me to fall down I held my arm I got up and looked down at it, blood oozing out of the hole in my arm down to my hand. I grabbed my discarded gun running into the woods with a pistol that'd be useless pretty soon. I had no one with me. I'm alone and helpless, and that fucking terrified me.


I lost Carl and Ally but at least I got away with Daryl and Beth. Beth seems nice I never really officially met her, so I guess this is the best time. I pushed my gun into its holster on my hip, the one Alexis got for me on a run together once. I hope she's alive at most. "Hey- uh since we're gonna be together for a while let's get to know each other? I don't think I've been without Alex before." I said with a sad smiling while holding my hand out she took it and sweetly smiled back. "Yea alright, I'm Beth by the way." she had a little bit of an accent, I didn't know where she was from or how long she was with the group before us, but she seemed cool. "I'm Oliver." letting go of my hand she nodded and turned back around walking with Daryl again. Alexis seemed to be fond of Daryl, she always looked his way a few times a day, it became like a routine. Fun to watch her get caught and Daryl awkward stalk off away from us. I sighed my back tensing as thoughts of my sisters mutilated body walking around with milky eyes and eating people. 


I stumbled out of the woods onto a road, a few abandoned cars ahead of me. Maybe this is my punishment for killing someone. For breaking that promise, that I wouldn't take a human life. Maybe my punishment was to die alone in the end of the world. On a road, alone. I look at my arm again, I'd discarded my jacket a while back ripping it into stripes for my arm, dried blood ran down my arm in thick lines. I felt woozy, it didn't take much brains to know I was fighting death at this point. If the blood loss doesn't kill me infection will. I inhale shakily as I look around me, nothing, no one. Not even walkers. Just cars and a cracked road. I began walking again my head spinning with a headache. My eyes blurring, my breathing muffling as I let out a groan dropping to the floor. hitting my head and blacking out. 


I huffed scooting my son further up on my back, fucker was heavy. I set forth again, a scowl on my sweating face. The uncomfortable feeling of my hair stuck to my forehead and neck. Such bullshit, have to be suck with this kid till he or I die. I move him onto my hip instead of my back so I can stand up straight. My eyes squint when a figure on the ground twitches, probably a dead one. I pull out my knife and walk forward until I see the figures familiar face. "Holy shit." I laugh out setting my son down next to me and kneeling down by the woman's body. "Of course she got into shit like this when I wasn't here." I huff opening my bag and pulling out anti-septic and some bandages. I use my knife and cut off the material on her arm seeing the old bullet wound. I spray the anti-septic on her arm and wipe it off with a small towel in my bag putting it back after. I wrap it and look at my son. "Looks like we found mommy." 


I opened my eyes slowly the sun burning them right away causing me to blink a few times before I force them open. Once I could see clearly what I saw scared me I recoil instinctively wrapping my left arm around myself my right arm in his hand. The sight of Jack with my son was something I never thought I'd see. I never wanted to see it. Oh god Oliver doesn't even know I got separated from Levi. Before I could have Oliver officially meet Levi shit went down back home and everywhere else so I couldn't, and I guess Jack got to him and got out of there alive. Sitting up I start backing away to lean up against the railing and to stay a little way from him holding my injured right arm in my left hand, both arms pushed into my front guarding myself. "Please tell me you haven't hurt him in any way I swear on my life jack if you did I'll-" I was cut off, "I haven't I promise I've changed. When this went to hell I took care of him" I closed my eyes in relief and smiled happily "oh god thank you jack never thought I'd say that" I grabbed my baby "mama?" I softly caress his cheek "yes baby it's me" Levi happily snuggled into my dirty bloody shirt "mommy..!" he hugged me with his small short arm's it was so cute "yes baby I'm here" I held him close "let's get going" jack said "I have a group I lost them in an attack, but if you promise to never touch me or Oliver I'll bring you" I said he nodded quickly. I got up and started walking with Levi in my arms sleeping I can't believe my baby's alive I can't even say how happy I am. While we were walking I noticed a mark on Levi's arm I looked at it moving his shirt up slowly and seeing more I caressed his cheek frowning sadly I glance at jack anger slowly building up in me I looked away from him and back at my baby boy laying in my arms.

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