I Hate Me Too

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Do you ever just suck so bad at a sport?  Like, no matter how hard you try you just end up humiliating yourself a and your team. If you feel that way, then I can relate to you on a spiritual level. I just think 'Oh my team must hate me... Oh wait.... I hate me too. So I see we have common ground.'  In gym we are forced to participate in sports against our will. THATS CHILD ABUSE. IN MY CASE BIG CHILD ABUSE CAUSE IMA BIG CHILD.

Our gym rotation was playing kickball. We have teams of about 12 people (haha I'm guessing cause I literally only remember a specific 5 people). So we have two gym teachers, and this one teacher we had on this specific day, he really doesn't give a crap what you do as long as you aren't goofing off.  (Just remember this detail ok. I'll get to it later.(I'm such a disorganized mess today with my writing)) So my team was kicking. I can't kick to save my life. I can kick. I just don't know where it's going to end up going.  I was hiding in the back of the dugout with my friend who is also in Mrs.Easy's class with me. Then this bich came up to me and was like 'you HAVE to kick!' WELL bich maybe I don't wanna. And if they wanna win so bad then don't let me kick and kick yourself, and like I said, my teacher doesn't care what we do. So I get up and kick. I run for my life to first base. Then another person kicks the ball. I run to second base. That's when everyone was screaming 'RUN TO THIRD!!!! KEEP GOING. OH MY GOD START RUNNING!' From my entire team. The kid who last kicked the ball kicked to third base, so even if I kept running I was just going to get out!  They were so mad at me for nothing. Then I heard it. That bich who MADE ME RUN IN THE FIRST PLACE. SHE CROSSED THE LINE. SHE YELLED 'YOU GOTTA KEEP RUNNING SWEETHEART, ITS KINDA THE POINT OF THE GAME.' Now. Even though the message itself doesn't sound all that hostile. But she yelled it. So. Freaking. Loud. EVERYONE HEARD IT. SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO CALL ME OUT WHEN I WAS JUSG DOING WHAT WAS RIGHT. SHE HAD TO HUMILIATE ME. Needless to say when I got back to the dugout I was blazing mad. I was practically ready to slap her. Ooh and my friend was ready to fight her!! Bich I was ready to beat a bich with a flipping brick. She can go stick her finger up her ex's azzhole for all I care.  Stupid popular bich azz hoes.

I'm so not salty.

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