I Talk Crap

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Yeah. I'd consider myself a good friend. I just would not want to be on my own bad side. Literally there is so much drama right now it's insane. It's hard to stay out of it too. I'm kinda a nomad when it comes to friends and I'm also part chameleon because I can blend right in with them too.

So I'm friends with this one girl who is older than me and she goes to my school. She is in a few of my classes although she is a junior. Unfortunately, she has a thing for guys in my grade. And to her sending "playful" pictures to guys (NOTE: EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND) is to her. She also likes to slit her wrists and show it off and see how many people will notice in a day.

She needs help.
Also she is a pathological liar. She tells me she's telling me the truth but if I go to somebody and talk to them about her they have proof and everything that she's lying. I go to her and indirectly ask if she's lying and she immediately blames it on everyone else. It's a mess

School is so much for my brain.

The thing is is that sure, yes, I talk to her, but she is blaming other people for problems she created and is making innocent people feel bad when they shouldn't have to put up with this crap.

Also I have a bad habit of talking crap about people. Not to be mean, I'm just stating the facts. Just don't talk crap about my ladies tho... Unless you want to make me mad. Like sure, Chloe can come off as rude sometimes, but really she's just brutally honest. Don't ask for her opinion if you don't want to hear the truth! Like nah sis, Chloe and I talk crap together. Let's be honest.

I really needed to rant.
But homecoming is Saturday! I'm so excited because I'm going with my friend Chloe and getting ready at her house!  Also you know the good will? That store that you can get good used clothes DIRT cheap? Yeah. I bought my Hoco dress there for $10. It was ripped around ten arm, but my dad is actually a great seamstress and he is Mr. Mom so he is going to sew it back together for me. The main problem is that the dress is VERY tight and VERY long. I'm starving myself right now to try to loose a few pounds before then. I still need to get shoes and buy press on nails. (I ain't going to a salon.) I have tons of shoes... But no shoe matches this dress. It's literally so FRICKING SPARKLY. And it's so huge and fluffy. It also had a very expensive bra built into it so that's nice. But the bra is too small, but I'll be fine. I'm going to have to get Chloe's help getting into the dress. Should I be extra and wear hair extensions? Fake eyelashes? Or is that too much...  I don't know. I also changed my phone case to match my dress because I'm extra like that. I also got a matching lock screen too. But my home screen never changes. It's a collage of beautiful pictures. One is of my mom and my dog together, one is of my horse making a funny face, another is of my cat hiding behind a plant, another of my cat just looking sexy in general, and lastly one of Chloe and I at eighth grade graduation.

We love high school.

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