newfound happiness//iv.

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I woke up to the sound of Ashton singing as Michael strummed the guitar. This seemed to become a morning routine of ours. I get up and stretch out, going and slipping on a pair of black Volcom board shorts and a white muscle tee. I grab my black ray bands and slip them on my head before grabbing my phone and wallet and walking out to the living room. Ashton was making breakfast and quietly humming along to I Miss You by Blink-182 as Calum strums the song on his guitar. Michael is snoring from the couch causing me to laugh a little bit. He never was one to be a morning person. I sat down at the little island as Ash threw a plate of blueberry pancakes down for me. I quickly gobbled them up and then stood up, putting my dish in the sink and thanking him. My phone buzzed from the counter top. 

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey Luke! It's Sadie! Listen, I need you and the guys to pack your bags for the day. Meet us at my house in an hour!" She said in a rush. "Wait Sa-" She interrupts me. "Thanks see ya soon bye!" Then the line cuts off. I put my phone in my back pocket. "Go pack your bags boys, we're picking the girls up in an hour." Ashton gives me a weird look to which I shrug. "Sadie didn't say anything about what we'll be doing, so don't ask." I say with a laugh. "I'm going to wake sleeping beauty up." The two nod and leave to their rooms to get ready. 

"Mike. Mikey you gotta get up mate." I say shaking Michael's snoring body. He brushes my hands away and rolls over to his side. This went on for about fifteen minutes. I sigh. "I didn't want to do this, but now I have no choice." I get up and grab the flower vase on the kitchen counter, setting the flowers neatly in the sink before walking back over to Michael and throwing the water on him. 

Michael shot up and gasped. "LUKE WHAT THE FU-" He was cut off by the train horn blowing as it passed by. I couldn't help but crack up at the irony and his angered face. Once I composed myself I pushed Mikey towards his room and told him to be ready in 20 minutes. 

Once the boys and I were all ready, we loaded the boards in Ashton's truck and we drove to Sadie's.


[Earlier That Morning]


Alana and I woke up around 7:30 this morning. We both got up and stretched reminiscing in the memories of the previous night. 

We walked out into the kitchen, "Morning girls." My mum said. I walked in and kissed her cheek as she stood over the stove cooking bacon and eggs. I poured Alana and I both glasses of orange juice. 

"So I have an English assignment ready for the two of you and a History test for later." I huffed at my mum's words. "Mum, we were actually hoping we could catch a few extra hours on the waves today? We wanted to hang out with the boys." I said in hope. "Why you girls didn't enough of the water last night?" She asked quirking her eyebrow up at me and placing a hand on her hip. Shit. I sighed before standing up and walking around the island, putting my glass down and wrapping my arms around her waist. "I'm really sorry we didn't tell you momma. It's just, we really really wanted to go night surfing." She sighs. "Why didn't you just ask me?" She says and turns around to look at me. "'Cause she knew you'd say no." Mum scoffs at dad's comment from his seat next to Alana. "What? That's so not true." I roll my eyes. "Would you have let us go?" She redirects her eyesight to me. "No. Maybe. I don't know." I was about to answer when dad came to the rescue. "Oh come on hunny, let the girls go. They're very safe, so they broke one rule last night. We use to always sneak out to go night surfing. Don't give them too hard of a time. Let them have some fun." Alana and I give mum the biggest puppy dog faces we can muster and she sighs before rolling her eyes and breaking into a small smile. "Go ahead." We both jump out of our seats to hug her. "Thank you thank you thank you!" We go to leave when my dad calls out. "Hey what about me? I'm the one who changed her mind for you!" We roll our eyes and go to give dad kisses on the cheek. I call Luke and inform him to pick us up from my house in an hour.

Surfer's Sense//l. hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now