loud screams//x.

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I woke up the next morning feeling a vacancy. I looked around for Suds but couldn't find her in here. Sitting up, I stretched my arms out with a yawn, rubbing my hands over my face to wake up even just a little bit more. I stood up, shaking my messy bed head. Someone was humming in the kitchen so I walked in, leaning on the side of the doorway as I watched my girlfriend glide around our kitchen while she made breakfast. 

She was humming my song that I sang to her at the camp out. A smile crept onto my face as I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and snuggling my face in the crook of her neck. I begun to sing the chorus as she hummed, leaving small butterfly kisses on her neck as I swayed us back and forth. I could hear her smile as she giggled at the kisses I left on her body. She turned in my arms, causing my head to pick up as my icey blue eyes met hers. 

She titled my chin down and brought me in for a nice kiss. My hands slid up and down her waist as hers snaked around my neck. I lightly pushed our bodies back until her back hit the kitchen island. I deepened the kiss, my hands gripping her waist firmily now and I slid my tongue against her bottom lip, pushing it open allowing entrance for myself. She tugged at a piece of my hair allowing a small moan to come from my mouth. 

After a few more minutes, we pulled away putting a stop to our heated moment before it went any further. I rested my forehead against hers, cupping one side of her neck. I smirked down at her.

"Damn, I could get use to waking up like that every morning." We both laughed at my words as she rolled her eyes, turning back to the breakfast she was making. I bit my bottom lip taking in her appearance, she was in her red bikini top that she wore to our first date, light blue short shorts that made her butt look really good and had her hair tied in a messy braid. 

I shook my head, smirking as I placed my hands on her waist again, pushing myself against her. I littered little kisses from her ear to her shoulder and back up, my breath brushing against her ear as I whispered.

"You look so hot right now." I could feel each of her muscles tighten and then release as I smirked at the effect I have on her. I gave her one last kiss, lightly squeezing her butt causing her to gasp and giggle before excusing myself to go change. I jumped in the shower really quick before putting on a pair of red board shorts and a black muscle tank with a Blink-182 logo on it. I lightly just brushed my hair through with my fingers before returning to the kitchen. 

Alana was now awake and said Cal and Ash went on a run. Suds passed me a plate with eggs bacon and toast on it. I smiled brightly and kissed her cheek. "Thanks baby." She smiled back, sitting in between me and Lana. 

"So we were thinking we could go to North Shore for a bit today? The swell is supposed to be really fun later and then after that I was thinking that you and the guys might want to come to my church service with us? You guys don't have to if you don't want to I just was thinking I could maybe share that part of my life with you guys." Sadie stuttered a little and spoke quickly about service. I cut her off by leaning over and taking her hand in mine.

"Babe that sounds perfect. We'd love to go with you guys. Plus I want to meet this Christine? Is it? She seems to get more attention from you than me and Lana combined." I spoke jokingly of course. Lany laughed as did both Suds, and I.

I kissed Sadie's cheek and pulled her on my lap. "Alright angels, I'm gonna round the boys up and get them ready." The girls nodded and I went to wake Mikey up. 


Alana and I went into the bathroom to get ready. I was already ready to go, Alana changed into a neon green bikini that I thought made her eyes and tan pop. We called our families and told them that we plan on going out to North Shore and they agreed and told us just to make sure we got back in time for service tonight. 

Surfer's Sense//l. hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now