Entry # 20: June 18, 2013

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"A stiff apology is a second insult. The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt." ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton


June 18, 2013

Dear Diary,

Things never did go the way I expected them to. It was the surprises in life that tickled me the most though – the things that I didn't see coming, and what happened today was one of those 'surprises'. Indeed, I was surprised. It was totally unexpected, though it was completely understandable coming from Chanyeol himself. Yes, Chanyeol surprised me – well, his actions surprised me. Who wouldn't when someone chased you unknowingly from a relatively wide distance just to apologize to you? That's worth the praise, right? But then again, as astounding as it may sound, I didn't heed upon his apology. I was no longer mad though; I just found it amusing. I'm such a bad girl. Sorry.

Love, Jung Dahee



I huffed as my phone vibrated yet again on my bedside table. It was probably Chanyeol's message again. To clear things up, yes. I was still mad at him. Apart from the insulting message he sent me two weeks ago, I was still mad at him since he doesn't really exert much effort to apologize to me. I had been getting numerous message from him, yet he hadn't confronted me at the issue. Yes, I was confused. I mean, based from his messages, he sounded really apologetic; however, I started to doubt that when he doesn't even confront me at school. It was really weird. It was pretty evident that I wasn't going to talk to him unless he confront me about it, so why haven't he done that yet?

Regardless of that issue, I had always stuck myself to the girls. The issue with Chanyeol kind of left me lonely if not for the girls, and I was thankful for them for being by my side. I had explained the issue to them, the their feeling of disappointment would be an understatement by now. They hadn't expected that coming from Chanyeol; heck, I think it's typical to confront a person when you're really sorry for them. It seemed a bit contradicting to the times he had apologized to me from those simple arguments that we had a while back.

I readily grabbed my things from the living room and wore my sneakers, getting ready to go to school. Things had been coming off smoothly apart from the issue with Chanyeol. Classes were surprisingly normal. I haven't detected any PDA from Jessica and Lay so far, which was totally relief-worthy, though weird. Nonetheless, I was thankful as I wouldn't be able to handle any drama at the moment. Our workload had been increasing as the semester passed by, mainly because we will be graduating soon, so we had to learn as much as possible.

I entered the campus and made a beeline at the lockers. I spotted Chanyeol at the far end of the hallway, who was talking to Baekhyun and Chen. I took my eyes off of him as soon as his head snapped at my direction, immediately acting as if I hadn't noticed him yet. I can feel his burning gaze against my skull though, but still, I didn't pay him any of my attention. Instead, I grabbed my things out of my locker in a normal pace. I closed my locker, peeking at him at the corner of my eye. He still had his eyes on me, whilst Baekhyun was still talking to the distracted Chanyeol, to which he probably didn't even notice. Licking my lips, I turned around and made my way to class, but I was stopped by Baekhyun's voice calling to me as soon as I made my first step.

"What?" I snapped my narrowed eyes at Baekhyun, acting annoyed at the sudden intrusion.

"Where are you going? It's too early for classes to start, and we have the same classes anyways. Let's go together instead! Oh, and I have something to give you!" He insisted. I sighed and made my way towards them. I took a glimpse at my wristwatch and saw that there were a few minutes left before classes start indeed. I took a deep breath and decided to act cool and confident, not minding the giant that stood besides Baekhyun.

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