chapter 1

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chapter 1


'I decided to go research, this time ill find him and I don't care anymore, I need him.'

That was the line that started that opened his book, he's going to start writing from now on, he's going to succeed, he felt it in his body.
with a cup of tea, laptop and the rain outside set Jimin in the living room covered in a yellow blanket.
it's has been a year since he started writing the book but never had an opening sentence. It changed when he saw the waiter in the nearest café that morning, he had brown hair and very pale skin, the cute smile made Jimin's heart race, and for the rest of the day he couldn't get him out of his head, everything was there now, all the things he wanted to write, and he's going to write, nothing will stop him.

It was the late afternoon, Jimins new housemate was supposed to arrive, hours past through so quickly and he didn't arrive yet, the storm outside got worse.
so far jimin wrote a whole chapter stopping once a while to check the hour, he was scared that something happened to his new housemate, he hoped that his okay.
jimin tightened the blanket and decided to call the building owner but there was no signal and the phone went straight to voice mail.
now he was even more scared, the blond boy decided to take a shower to calm down and make dinner. Wenting out of the bathroom with a robe he walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge taking our vegetables and eggs.
he ate alone writing some notes and ideas that hell put in the computer later.
'what's taking him so long?' Jimin thought.

putting the dishes in the sink and cleaning them made him think of how the new housemate will be and look like. He didn't know a thing about the boy, he could only hope that he's nice and kind.
after finishing, jimin went to his room and changed to some worm close, he wears a sweater and sweatpants and went back to the living room to keep on writing, waiting to his housemate to arrive and trying not to fall asleep.

After a few minutes the door opened, Jimin stood up quickly rushing to the door, he stopped when he saw his new housemate taking his shoes off.
when the boy raised his hand he looked at Jimin with confusing eyes, a thunder made Jimin shiver while the new boy stood up still looking at him.
"hi," Jimin said and moved from the way letting the boy and his suitcase come inside the apartment.

Jimin recognized the boy, he was the waiter who smiled at him earlier that day, Jimin thought he won't remember him, after all, a lot of people coming to the cafe every day.
walking to the living room where all of Jimin's papers were all around the room, Jimin blushed from the messy living room, he hurried to close the computer and peaking up the papers.
the boy looked around the apartment, "sorry about the mess, I didn't know when you're coming" said Jimin and looked to the boy's eyes.
"I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi" he finally said in a low voice, "sorry I arrived late, the storm is terrible outside and I've been stuck at work before going back to take the last of my things".
"it's alright," said Jimin and smiled.
Jimin showed Yoongi around and walked him to his room, "if you need anything just ask" said the boy before turning back to the living room to take his things to his own room.

Yoongi smiled after the little blond boy disappeared to his room, he remembered Jimin when he came to the coffee shop where he worked, the little hands that held the coffee cup and the smile that made him soft he had to smile back.
Yoongi didn't expect from this boy to be his new housemate, he knew his friends will tease him because of it, but he didn't care, the boy is nice and cute, well, too cute.

Another thunder, and in the close room something fell and Jimin screamed shortly, Yoongi went to see if he's okay, he knocked on the door waiting for permission to come in.
he opened the door after hearing a little 'yes' from inside. Jimin was on the floor peaking his things.
"are you okay?" Yoongi asked.
Jimins room was brighter than his, much more white, bed with yellow covers and a big black closet.
"I'm fine, I just don't like thunders, that's all" the boy answered.

Yoongi helped Jimin, and after standing up Jimin thanked him and he went back to his room to finish unpack and to wear some more comfortable close, sweat pants, and a black jumper.
Jimin was cleaning the living room and closing the curtains, locking the door. He went to the kitchen to take a glass of water before going to sleep.
when jimin turned he saw the older looking at him closely which made him blush, don't understand when did he go out of his room.
"thanks for waiting for me," Yoongi said.
"no problem" Jimin took a seep from his glass.
"I'm going to bed, early class tomorrow" Yoongi came to walk back to the room but Jimins voice whispered "good night", Yoongi smiled and blushed walking to his room feeling like he could sleep forever after that really long day, but he did have a class the next morning.

Jimin stared at the ceiling in his room after getting under the covers thinking about the day. About the cliche of the waiter turning to be his new housemate whos also the inspiration to his writing. He fell asleep.

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