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Chapter 11 FIN


"am I have worn this?" asked Jimin as they left their apartment.
"Jin will kill you if you won't," said Yoongi and locked the door behind them.

The two got into the taxi driving to the wedding, Jin and Namjoon made a decision, or most likely Jin did, Namjoons side wears black and his wearing white. This means Yoongis wearing a black suit and Jimins white (couple friends are wearing different things).

Getting to the wedding hall they went out of the taxi paining the drivers and walking in hand in hand. Jimin could hear Jins' voice from the end of the big hall room. "I swear to god if one of you even going to touch the cake your out," he screamed making the two-man to freeze, gladly he wasn't talking to them.

"Who do you think he's walking to?" asked the younger.
"probably his cousin and cousin's boyfriend," answered Yoongi.
"he has a cousin?"
"yes, from what I heard he's a university student, design major."

The two kept on walking as they met Namjoon on their way, "hey guys, glad you made it," he said smiling from ear to ear, his illegal dimples showing up.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Jimin smiled back.

"Ahhhh, an angry bird," a to familiar voice was heard and then Jimin saw two familiar faces running toward them. "Taehyung, Jungkook, what are guys doing here?" asked Jimin shocked as the two stopped running looking to their best friend in the eyes, they were also shocked.

"Kim Taehyung, I swear in your Mother, my aunt blesses her, that you'll be dead by the end of my wedding," Jin said hurrying in their direction.
"so that the cousin," said Yoongi making Jimin do an O with his mouth looking at his two smiling friends.

"you want to tell me that you know each other?" asked Namjoon.
"we're besties," said Tae hugging Jimins shoulder.
"and we didn't know about it? We were in your apartment quit a lot," the tall kept saying. "well I guess that because you never arrived when he did," said Yoongi, "but it also a shock to me too, because I've never met Taehyung as your cousin before."

They all finished talking as their families showed up and they left the three to stand as they went to say hello Taehyung as well. Jungkook and Jimin walked to find where they sit to find out that they're sitting together and were happy about it.
Yoongi was called to say hello to his friend's family and found himself speaking to more and more people as he's standing next to Namjoon.

Jungkook was lying his head in his hands and Jimin was resting on his shoulder as they watched their boyfriends greeting people, or just looking at Yoongi showing as his interacting with real humans.

They both sighed as three children were standing next to them looking at them, Jimin looked at the three children, "hello," Jungkook said as the three were smiling. Jimin raised his head to look to, "hi," he said, "who are you?" asked Jungkook as the three got closer to find the two talkative.
"Kim Sunwoo," said the one on the right, "Kim Seungmin," said the one in the middle, "Kim Hyunjin," said the girl on the left they all were pointing at themselves.
"how cute," Jimin clapped his hands.
"who you?" asked the girl, Hyunjin.

"I'm Park Jimin, this is Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook waved next to him.
"Are you a couple?" she asked, as she said it two heads were raised in the distance like two meerkats whose sensing am enemy.
"no," said Jungkook immediately, "we're good friends."
"yes, and it will remain that," Taehyung showed up behind the three when they turned around to see their uncle smiling at them, they jumped hugged him, he tried not to fall.

Jungkook smiled at his boyfriend and how good he is with the kids.
Yoongi who was also standing there, walked closer, "are these three making you feel uncomfortable?" he asked.
"no, they were just curious," Jimin said smiling at his boyfriend.
"is it too early to asked Taehyung for a child?" asked Jungkook out of the blue making his boyfriend blush.
"you dummy, boys can't make a baby," said Sunwoo looking at Jungkook from Taehyungs hands, making Taehyung even redder.
he let go of the children after telling them to run along because the sweets are out, they left leaving them alone.

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