chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After three weeks

Yoongi and Jimin had to tell their parents about the other parents to prepare dinner without having too much food. And every parent took the news differently.

"mom, before you start to prepare food, I just you to know that my housemate parents are also coming, you don't need to cook a lot of food, because they're also planning on bringing food" Yoongi explained, his mother was confused.

"wait, does that mean you want me to meet your boyfriend's parents before I even met him?" she said.
Yoongi blushed, he was standing in the kitchen while Jimin made his homework next to the table very close to him. "no, it's just that-" he starter to say.
"I'm teasing son, calm down."
Yoongi sighed, "see you at Christmas," she said before ending the call.

Jimin blushed too, he was afraid for his own parents' reaction, they weren't any better, but worse.
"wait, you have a boyfriend? Getting married, your pregnant, his pregnant?" Jimin was shocked.
"no- you- what- hah- mom, no, no one died, what the- dad," Jimin tried his best to explain but his parents were to extra and he was, even more, embarrassed when he screamed what he didn't mean to scream at all.
Yoongi turned his look to him and he blushed so hard he turned around so the older won't see his face.

After finishing the talk with his parents, the two decided to go and buy a Christmas tree, Yoongi knew his mother will bring decorations, so they just brought the tree inside putting it next to the TV table and set looking at it breathlessly.

Everything was ready for the holiday, Jimin parents were staying in a hotel near the university while Yoongis mother planned on staying with the boys.
The blond boy showered and wore a white turtle neck sweater and a pair of black jeans, he wore his glasses knowing his parents didn't like it when he was wearing contacts, they liked his original look.
he looked much older than usual and he was scared to come out of the bathroom not knowing how the other one will react.

Yoongi set in the living-room and finished his winter project, the computer on his lap, headphones on his head making the world silent. papers with every little detail on the project ready for presentation on the table in Infront of him.
Jimin walked in the living-room seeing that the older in not paying attention to the environment. When he didn't even notice Jimin when he walked to the bathroom to also get ready. Yoongi wore a black buttoned shirt and black jeans, his hair fell on his eyes and contacts, he was ready.

Opening the door and walking to his room with his laundry, he bumped into Jimin who came out of his room, the two stared at each other. Yoongi was shocked, he never saw his housemate looking so grown up and handsome, guessing it's the close he wore often that made him look tiny and cute. And for Jimin, the same, he checked the older from waist to face, for some reason he looked taller and manly, not that he's not a man, to Jimin's relief he was a man.
they blushed, Yoongi apologized and hurried to his room, breathing, hiding the embarrassment from the younger.

Jimin was still a little shocked but went to the kitchen to start making the table.
avoiding the embarrassment, they helped each other making sure everything in place.

Yoongis mother arrived and knocked on the door when Jimin opened it looking at the woman who looked a lot like her son.
"come in please," Jimin moved so she could come in.
she looked around at the living-room seeing the empty tree, thinking her son who knew her very well. The younger walked beside her quietly, she turned to him and smiled, "you're probably Jimin, Yoongis housemate," she said.
Jimin nodded and smiled, "you're handsome," she continued tapping on his shoulder.
Jimin helped her with the luggage while she held s box with decorations for the tree.

"Yoongi is making his room for you," said Jimin making the woman shocked from his high peachy voice, she wondered how such a handsome man has such a cute voice and smiled at him.

"so, Jimin-ssi, when are your parents arriving?"
"soon, I hope," he answered as Yoongi walked towards them. He hugged his mother who tapped on his head.
The three decided to decorate the tree while waiting for the blonde's parents to arrive.
Jimin found Yoongis mother an interesting woman as she told stories about her home town.
Yoongi was setting the food she brought on the table, he didn't take there covers off so they won't get cold.

When a new knock on the door was heard, it was Yoongis turn to answer the door.
a couple stood in the entrance looking at him smiling, Jimin raised his head to the door and jumped from the floor and rushing to the door to hug his parents, Yoongis mom stood beside her son.
all the five looked at each other.
Jimin's mother didn't leave his side while his father walked behind them towards the min family who bowed at him.

"it's very nice to meet you Yoongi and your mother," said Jimin mother.
the two women shacked hands and smiled. Turning back to her son clapping her hands, Mrs. park looked around.
"you have a lovely apartment Jiminie, taking good care of the place as I taught you," she started mumbling about Jimin as a kid reminding his little brother.
Jimin blushed over her words as his father staying quite near him.

And then Yoongis mother joined the happy woman, the two exchanging stories about their sons. Yoongi lowered his face while Jimin bit his lower lip and Mr. park looking at the two trying to hold a laugh.

Everyone settled down in the living-room while the table was made and some of the food too.
Yoongi felt uncomfortable, he set on the floor next to the Christmas tree thinking and looking at Jimin parents getting along with his mother.

He looked at Jimin who felt like him, playing with his nails. The boy looked gorgeous, Yoongi will admit, making himself even more uncomfortable the thoughts away.
"so Yoongi," Jimin mom said and he jumped as he stopped staring at her son. "what are you studying?" she asked.
"producing," he answered.
"that's great, great your probably good at it like your mother said."
Yoongi blushed and smiled nervously.

"Jimin's is a dancer and takes creative writing classes," it was Jimin turn to blush, his mother a very talkative woman.

The two boys were relieved to find that the food was ready and all of them set at the table.
"so how things are going? Yoongis mom asked cutting her meat.
"fine, studying hard and working, friends," Yoongi answered, the park family was quiet.
"Joon and Jin are engaged," Yoongi kept talking.
"oh, wow, I thought they have married already, actually since high school, but that's because they always acted so married material".
"no, it happened only two months ago, Jin also wanted to adopt Jimin because his so cute, and after three weeks ago," Yoongi quit forgot his not alone with his mother.

Jimin stopped eating as Yoongi told about him being sick and also being called cute, he blushed.
Mrs. Park raised her head to the older boy's words, "you think my son is cute?" she asked, forgetting about her sons being sick a month ago.
"yes, I mean, a lot of people do, just look at him," Yoongi said then, he looked at Jimin remembering how he looks like at the moment and then went silent.
Mrs. Park raised an eyebrow looking at her son, taking off his glasses and messing his hair so it falls on her eyes, making the hot look go away.

Jimin couldn't see and everything was blurry.
"yes, your right, he is cute," she said proudly.
putting his glasses back he saw everything clearly and everyone was looking at him.
"cam you stop now, I'm not a statue," he said and ate from his rice.

The most unexpected thing that happened that night was when Jimin father asked the most unexpected question. "I don't understand, is someone going to pull a ring or something?"
Yoongi and Jimin chocked, Yoongis mother smile got bigger and Jimin mother started to laugh.

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