chapter 3

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chapter 3

after a week

Jimin was out when Jin and Namjoon, Yoongi's friends came over.
Jin was standing in the kitchen cooking while the other two set in the living room.
"Nice place," said Namjoon.
"agree, it's bigger than I thought too," said Jin mixing regredience in a bowl.
Yoongi only nodded to their words.
Jin and Namjoon were engaged for a while now, after a trip to Seoul where Namjoon pulled out a ring in the fancy restaurant they went to.
Yoongi always thought that the two will be together forever and there they were, degassing wedding things.
"so, did you pick best men?" asked Yoongi after they complimented the apartment.
"well, I already told you that I want you to be mine, but you just need to agree," said Namjoon.
"and you Jin?" he rolled his eyes on Yoongi.
"I thought to ask my cousin" Jin replied after putting the mix in the bowl to a pan.
"oh, right, we haven't seen him for a while".
Jin nodded to his fiancé.
this time it was Yoongis time to roll his eyes.
the boy in the kitchen joined the two in the living room telling them that the food will be ready soon, Namjoon hugged his shoulder making the white-haired gaze in jealousy.
when the smell started to fill the room Yoongis stomach started to make noises, Jin was the best cook he knew, not before his mother of course, and Jin showed his pride threw his cooking.
the three moved to the kitchen setting the table and putting the food on coasters and settled down to eat.

Starting to eat the door opened and a short blond-haired boy took his shoes off in the entry.
Jimin raised his head to see three people looking at him, his hair was messy from the wind and glasses to his eyes. He took his bag off slowly and smiled at the three.
Yoongi smiled back at him while Jin and Namjoon were a little shocked that the boy can even smile properly without faking.

Namjoon took a step towards Jimin and reach a hand for shaking, "hi, I'm Namjoon".
Jimin looked up to see the tallboys dimple, he was so tall the only words that came out of his mouth were "wah, you're tall" without even thinking.
Namjoon giggled and behind him his fierce' trying not to die from laughter.
"s-sorry," Jimin said quickly bowing and shaking the older hand, "I'm Jimin, you're probably Yoongi hyung friend".
the tall guy nodded.
Jin also introduced himself to the little boy.
Jimin bawd at him and looked at Yoongi blushing.
"You didn't say your housemate is a little child" Jin whispered to Yoongi.
"I'm 22," said Jimin who heard Jin's words, Jin was amazed by the boy's voice and held his cheeks from the cuteness.
"would you like to join us for dinner?" Namjoon asked Jimin.
"s-sure," he said steel blushing.
Namjoon sat next to Jin and Yoongi waited for Jimin who moved towards the table almost tripping on the one-step he always forgets that exists, he blushed even harder, the boy was a mess and he knew it.

"so Jimin, what are you majoring in?" asked Jin putting some salad on his plate.
"dancing" Jimin answered, he waited for the elders to start eating so he could to, he didn't want to be rude even if he was hungry, he was polite.
Jin started to eat and then Yoongi and Namjoon, Jimin took some rice, "you?" he asked.
"producing like yoongs here" Jin answered.
"English" Namjoon also replied.
Jimin nodded with pursed lips.
Jin's eyes went wider with every little the younger did, he wanted to squish his cheeks so bad at that point trying to hold himself.
Yoongi who wasn't caring about the situation ate quietly while Jimin who was already a blushing mess when Jin kept asking him questions.

" thank you for the food, but I have some work to finish for class," said Jimin apologizing and bowing.
" It's ok Jimin, we'll take care of the dishes," said Yoongi before Jimin left to his room.
Yoongi and Jin washed the dishes not letting Namjoon getting closer to the sink before he'll break something.

Jimin pulled his thoughts away and opened his laptop, he wrote a note about what happened at dinner, the boy already started to edit his book having a lot of work to do.
while Yoongi set in the living room with his friends, Jin was talking about Jimin like he was a famous idol, mumbling about his cuteness, he even started to beg for a child from Namjoon, who tried to calm him down saying that they'll have the dedication after the wedding.

After a long hour of designation, Jimin came out of his room, apparently, he didn't find his big yellow blanket, no matter how much he looked, it wasn't in his room.
Jimin wore an oversize blue jumper and black sweatpants, his glasses almost fell from the bridge of his nose as he rushes into the living room. Before speaking he pushed back the glasses and opened his mouth, "have someone seen my yellow blanket?" Jimins voice was childish as he played with the jumper out of embarrassment.
Jimin could see Jin's eyes getting wider which made him feel a little scared.

Yoongi went to the TV stand and took what looked like the blanket Jimin was talking about.
he walked to Jimin and gave him the blanket, "here you go" he said.
Jimin bowed and as he took the blanket hugging it like a little child, he smiled shortly and left, "can I adopt you?" Jin asked, Jimin got flustered and giggled, he turned back to face the couple on the sofa. "don't mind him, he's a little excited to meet a new person, and a cute one" said Namjoon.
Jimin blushed, "it's okay, ill go to sleep now," the boy said and bowed again before turning to  Yoongi who was still standing next to the TV.
"don't forget to clean and lock".
"I won't' good night Jiminie," said the older.
Jimin smiled again and then disappeared in his room, the lights went off, but Jimin wasn't sleeping yet, he was thinking, like every night.

Jin and Namjoon left around midnight after helping Yoongi clean. "I think you like him," said Jin at the door.
"I don't really know, I know him only for a few weeks anyway," Yoongi said back.
"Take your time," said Namjoon and with that they both left, leaving Yoongi to wonder.
It was the start of November, he hoped that something interesting will happen this month.

  It was the start of November, he hoped that something interesting will happen this month

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