chapter 2

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chapter 2

after 3 days

Waking up in the morning, the same routine like every day of work, Yoongi brushed his teeth, washed his face and drank a glass of water before the coffee.
Yoongi was sure his housemate was already out to class because of the quiet apartment, but apparently, It didn't look like something from the day before.
Jimins shoes were still in the opening area.
Filling his cup with coffee, Yoongi heard a slammed door, the blond boy came out of the restroom, ran to the kitchen putting things in his bag quickly, opened the fridge and took an apple. 
His hair was messy and a little curly witch fell on his eyes.
Yoongi looked at the boy who took a paper cup and filled it real queek while murmuring how late he is.
Yoongi just drinks his coffee quietly when the door closed.
After finishing his coffee Yoongi took the bag from his room and got ready for work putting his phone and earphones in it, the binder so he can study on brakes.
He wore black jins and t-shirt, the weather outside was cold so he decided to put a red hoodie on.
After fixing his hair in the mirror, Yoongi took the keys and went out walking to the bus station.

"I can't believe you got to class a minute before the professor did," said a tall black-haired boy to Jimin opened the door to the apartment later that day.
"I'm more worried that my housemate thinks I'm crazy" the two took their shoes off. 
Jimin went to the kitchen while his friend set at the table.
They ate lunch and studied waiting for a third friend to arrive. The half-semester exams were close.
A few knocks on the door and the blacked haired went to open it, "Jungkook" the new boy said, he had orange hair and a wide smile.
"hi, hook Hyung," said the boy. Hosoek took his shoes off and joined the two in the kitchen.
Jimin brought him a bowl of rice so he could eat with them.

The three have been studying in the kitchen and moved to the living room. Hosooek started dancing, Jimin was writing notes in his binder and Jungkook texted on his phone giggling every two seconds.
"can you please stop texting your boyfriend and help me with the material?!" said Jimin to the younger.
"fine" the boy put his phone aside on the table.
"I'm trying to figure on which muscles this move works" Jimin shared his notes with the two.
hook pointed at his lower leg while jimin writing down the new information when Hosoek explained.

"I'm to think for a song for the end of the semester project," Jungkook said and lined back on the large pillows.
"We have two months for this kid," said Hosoek.
"but still, it takes forever to find something with meaning and in the right music.
Jimin agreed, but they have an exam on the lecture the next two weeks and none of them wanted to fail.
they studied some more before the door opened and Jimins housemate came in and took his shoes off.
Yoongi looked at the boys in the living room and smiled shortly.
Hosoek and Jungkook looked at him with big eyes while he went to his room closing the door behind.
"your housemate is Min Yoongi, the producer," said the orange-haired to Jimin.
"so?" he said blushing a little.
Hosoek sighed, "he won last year producing competition in the university, and his super hot," he said. And he wasn't even the 'I like boys' type so that was a surprise.
"aren't you hetero?" asked Jungkook.
"so what? I can't think that a guy's hot?"
Jungkook raised his hands with a "don't heart me" look.
"he does look good but I don't know him enough to know what he likes or his entrance in people," said Jimin.
he did pay attention to the boys look, from the first time he saw him in the coffee shop, pale skin, and bright hair and he was also nice, Jimin pushed the thoughts away and went back to his notes.

Yoongis room door opened and the boy went out with a laptop sitting in the kitchen not paying attention to the boys in the living room.
"told you" whispered Hosoek who seemed to cutch Jimins looking at the older, he glared at him.

After his friends have left jimin cleaned the living room from paper balls and the water glasses.
he walled to the kitchen passing Yoongi who still set and a smell of coffee drifted from him, he liked that smell, even though it made him feel sleepy.
Jimin found himself staring and went back to the living room opening his laptop and putting his glasses on so he could see the screen better, he kept writing his book.
Yoongi joined the little boy sitting next to him on the comfy couch.
steel feeling the coffee smell jimin did get a little sleepy, that way he never made coffee on the afternoons the smell was too strong, the caffeine didn't even help him because of the good smell.
"Jimin" said a low voise making Jimin jump.
"yes?" answered Jimin quietly and looked at the older, he pushed his glasses that fell to the bridge of his nose.
"I'm ordering dinner do you want anything?" Yoongi asked looking at the blond boy 'it was too cute' he thought waiting for an answer.
"What did you have in mind?" Jimin asked.
"pizza?" "sounds good".

Waiting for there food to arrive the boys haven't talked and just went back to work on their computers.
Jimin started to edit the first chapters of his book, he's mostly thinking out loud if his writing or reading but he was quiet so he won't embarrass himself in front of Yoongi.
Yoongi was working on a project, he produced a song for the new upcoming competition, it takes him so much time he barely slept a night before.
when the pizza arrived they ate in quiet until Jimin broke the silence and...... he sneezed.
Jimin sneeze was one of the cutest things Yoongi heard in his entire life, his glasses fell again and he pushed them back apologizing and blushing in embarrassment.
Yoongi wanted to laugh but held himself and kept his apathetic face on.
"it's okay," he said taking a bite from the slice he held.
Yoongi moved his laptop aside and changed position so he faced the younger.
"a-ah we haven't really talked since I moved, so, err, what are you studying?" the older decided to take a step and communicate to get to know his housemate.
"I'm a dance major" answered Jimin and faced Yoongi after swallowing, "you?"
"producing" Jimin already knew but he wanted to be polite. "you're not wearing glasses a lot".
"oh- I'm, I don't need them unless in reading or using my computer, they're in my bag most of the time" he explained and took the of after finishing his pease.
"they look good on you," Yoongi wasn't thinking.
a putting them back on.
"Your friends seem nice".
"well.... Jungkook is steel a baby, literally, always clingy with his boyfriend, third whiling is hard, and Hosoek Hyung smiles too much, but they're great and you haven't met Taeyung, he's super protective, he's five years old most of the time, never bring Doritos near him his deeply addicted," jimin mumbled about his friends and Yoongi found it childish and cute, "what about your friends?" the boy asked with big eyes.
"well, likewise third willing is hard, my best friends are engaged, I was third whiling since high school, it took them too much time to get together," explained the older.
"sounds like Jungkook and Taeyung, without the engagement part, they goy together after the first year in uni, Jungkook just graduated, I told Taeyung to take the first move, he took it to the wrong way, he went and kissed without a warning, the night afterward was weird," the boys exchanged high school stories and laughing by Jimin, witch made Yoongi smile.

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