chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After two weeks

"are still mad?" asked Jimin when the couple entered the apartment as Jimin is lining on Yoongi his leg wrapped with a bandage.
"no, I'm not mad, I was just angry from all the stress of exams," the elder explained, "I'm sorry I took it out on you."
"It's okay," Jimin set on the couch and Yoongi went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water, the boy was calm and half smiled because his leg hurt.

In the middle of class Hoseok called Yoongi to tell him that Jimin has sprained his ankle in class and he looks very sad and wasn't even paying attention in class, it made the older understand that at some point it was completely his fault. He rushed to the exit doors excusing his self from class, at that point he didn't care about the upcoming exam but about the fact that his boyfriend is hurt and most of it is because of their argument the night before.

Walking in the emergency room to find Jimin sitting on the white bed, eyes are puffy from crying and his nose is red. The youngers leg was set on the covers. When he saw his Hyung he started to cry more and Yoongi hugged him saying his sorry.

"you missed an important lecture because of me," Jimin started talking again as Yoongi set next to him cuddling him.
"Jin will inform me later, he's better in explaining than my actual professor, he'll probably drop by later anyway to check on you," it made the blond smile.

And he was right, Jin did arrive later walking inside with a bag of food boxes, telling the two how worried he was when Yoongi just stood up in class and rushed out after telling him about the argument they had the day before. Jin brought a palate filed with his cooking and gave it to Jimin who took it happily and ate in silence. "I'm sorry for making you worry," said Yoongi once again.

"stop apologizing already, it's okay," Jin said taking two more plates, giving Yoongi one, "you two are okay now is all that important, and besides, who cares if you fail on the exam, most of the grade is from the project and the fact that you showed up in the studio two weeks ago," the older just knew how to make the youngers calm down.

"I can't believe I missed it," Jimin said as Jungkook and Hoseok showed up at his apartment after the long class telling what happened when he was gone.
"yah, it was so funny you don't understand," Jungkook said and pulled out his phone.
"like how could you mix USBs anyway?" the three laughed. Yoongi and Jin went to study in the coffee shop before Yoongis shift living him with his friends and telling him how much he loves him and kissing his head before heading out.
Jungkook opened the gallery and pressed on a video, the song that started playing was not expected, the goblin pants song played as their classmate hurried to the computer to stop it embarrassed and whining about the fact that he got the USBs mixt up and it's his little sister's. the whole class laughing behind him.
"nice," at that point, they were a complete laughing mess.

When Yoongi came back after work Jimin was sitting in the kitchen drinking hot tea and studying for his lecture exam, the blond looked up at his boyfriend who entered and smiled sipping from the big mug. Yoongi was still shocked by the fact that the younger can drink a hot tea from a large mug in a couple of minutes, while it takes him like an hour because he's not used to the hotness.

"hi Hyung, how was work?" asked the younger.
"like always," answered and smiled walking to the younger and back hugging him. "Chim?"
"no matter when, if you feel bad, or stressed, or even angry, you can always come to me, I can be your anger pillow, your boxing bad, your crying shoulder, come to me," he said in a low voice that made Jimin shiver down his spine. He turned around to place his lips on Yoongis own for a second before breaking their lips and smiling, "I will," he said.

Yoongi made Jimin close his computer and books they were hugging as Jimin is standing on one leg, the older set him on the counter, the two looked at each other they're noses touching Jimin hands cupping Yoongis cheeks. They closed the gap kissing, mouths moving sometimes in between breaking the kiss to breathe and going back to kissing.

"you know, I want an apology gift," Jimin said when they broke the kiss again.
"what?" Yoongi asked standing between the younger legs.
Yoongi blushed, he wasn't ready for that, he smirked, "then we're moving to the bedroom," he said making Jimin blush. So, they did, Yoongi carried the sprained leg boy to the bedroom making him loved even more.

"I love you; you know?" said Jimin as they cuddled.
"I love you two, very much, shower?"
"no, tiered, tomorrow."
"good night."

"ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you really did it? Waaaaaaah," Taehyung screamed in his ear when he and Jungkook were on their way to visit. "yes, we did, and it was nice, he was gentle and I felt good," Jimin said making the older who set in front of him to blush and smile knowing he did a good job.

"do you have class or work?" the blond asked.
"no, but I have a privet lesson for what I missed yesterday."
"but Jin already confirm you."
"but my professor is waiting for me, and I don't want to let him down, and me, I still care about my grade after all," Yoongi kissed Jimin forehead.
"Okay, have a great lesson," and with that, the older exited the apartment as Taehyung and Jungkook came in winking at the older who glared at them making them flinch.

"Jiminie, did you know my cousin's getting married? I haven't seen him for years' in so happy for him," Taehyung jumped on the couch sitting down.
"he has been talking about the cake though," Jungkook told smiling and sitting down to. "it's a wedding cake Kookie, it's a different kind of special cake."
Jimin nodded agreeing with the other, "but don't forget to say 'congratulation' before asking where the cake is," the younger said. "I won't. I hope," the three laughed. "but now Jimin' how's your leg?"

"Okay, I'm walking, half walking, more like limping," Jimin smiled.
"because of the led or-" Jimin slapped Jungkook on the back head and Taehyung just laughed.
"both?" this time he slapped Tae.

"yah," the couple went back to laughing.

"What is this?" asked Yoongi when Namjoon gave him a letter.
"The wedding invitation," said the taller.
"you picked a date than?"
"yes, will you and Jimin come?"
"Jin won't let me miss it for the world, so we will come."
"Great, because I wanted to ask you to be my best man."
"why me?"
c'mon Yoongi, you were there whenever wherever, you are important to both me and Jin, we've known each other for years, of course, I'll want you to the best man," Namjoon explained.
"and Jin?"
"his cousin is his best man, which means it's going to be funny," he giggled, "well, I need to go back, see you then."
"see ya," Yoongi said before heading back home back to Jimin.

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