chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After six days

Christmas ended and New Years arrived, the two boys weren't even home that day, Jimin studied in the library and Yoongi worked.
When Jimin arrived home it was nine in the evening, he forgot about the new year evening because of his exams.
Yoongi, on the other hand, did remember, Jin was mumbling about that night since the end of Christmas, but he knew that he's going to be alone so he came back to the apartment late as expected, he was the only worker that evening because everyone was celebrating the new year.
He found Jimin in the kitchen making food, chicken fried rice and greens, on the table was a bag with bears and a blond hair dye, some vegetables, and fruits, meat, milk, eggs, everything for the next two weeks.
Jimin turned around and smiled at Yoongi, he closed the gas and put the things in there place, Yoongi helped him make the table.

The two sets, were alone both of them still trying to possess Christmas.  They were still embarrassed about what happened but missed the feeling of the warm body of the other.
Eating in silence Jimin was glaring at his plate and Yoongi stared at the clock on the wall, it was close to eleven already.
"Hey, I'm going to wash the dishes you can go take a shower if you want," said the older.
Jimin thanked him and went to his room.
Yoongi felt sad, New Years and his not doing anything, New Years and he didn't tell Jimin how he feels, he could have kissed the younger in a few hours, he knew that will not happen, he daydreamed about it at work that day, he's coworkers laughed at him because of it, he didn't care.
Jimin whore a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants, his hair was wet and water was drifting from it on the floor and shirt.
Yoongi looked at him as he sat in the living room, he finished with the dishes rushing to the bathroom to get ready for the night. He was going to kiss Jimin, even if not on the mouth, as long as he kisses him his fine.

Yoongi forgot to wear the shirt when he came out of the room.
Walking towards the couch not feeling the coolness, Jimin who set there was a half-asleep already and Yoongi stared at him.
"your shirt hyung," he said sleepily.
Yoongi smiled, "so".
"you'll get sick" Jimin childish voice showed up.
Yoongi giggled at the boy.
The clock went a few minutes to midnight and Jimin was falling asleep, a few seconds.
Yoongi kissed Jimin on the chick, "goodnight Jimin, happy new year" the elder said.
Jimin smiled in his sleep and murmured back "happy new yea~".
The boy fell asleep completely afterward and Yoongi covered him in his yellow blanket and halo went to sleep.

The next morning Jimin woke up on the couch not remembering the night before, it was very blurry in his hand, when Yoongi shirtless pictures jumped to his head he covered his face with his hands, he tried to push the memory away and couldn't he gave up angry at himself.
When Yoongi came out of his room to the kitchen he saw the younger who set and smiled.
"How did you sleep?" the older asked he was wearing a black short shirt, Jimin sighed in relief.
"fine," he said.
Looking at the clock Jimin stood up and stretched he had class later that day. He smiled at Yoongi and went to his room to get dressed.
And also did Yoongi, he whores a red long sleeve shirt and black jeans while he had to work that day.
Jimin on the other hand whore a green hoodie and black jeans striating up his hair and putting contacts.

The two boys walked out of the apartment, they decided to meet in the afternoon to go back to the apartment and maybe get some fresh air.
Yoongi saw it as a good time to confess to the younger, it was perfect.

after a few hours

Wanting back to the apartment after a long day and a walk in the park, both Jinin and Yoongi went to there rooms embarrassed, none of them wanted to come out so they won't have to look to the other eyes, even though it was a miss understanding.
eventually one of them has to come out.
And like cliće works when one of them came to come out so the other.
Jimin blushed when he saw Yoongi standing in front of him.
"I feel like we need to talk of what happened," said Yoongi.
Jimin nodded, they walked to the living room.
Jimin phone buzzed and he hurried to check who needs him in that certain time, taeyung, Jimin groaned on his phone, and opened the chat while Yoongi just stayed quiet till he finished.

I just saw it
Don't ignore me
u fell on Yoongi in the park
Wut were u doing there
Did u kiss
R you a couple
I knew it
But really 1 of u r heart?

Jimin didn't answer until he'll explain himself to the older boy who waited.
"I'm sorry, I'm clumsy, I can't control my balance some time and it was a misunderstanding," he said quickly.
Yoongi just looked at him, he knew that the boy was serious looking at him in the while saying it.
"It's okay," the older said, "it was a mistake" he bites his lower lip steel feeling the youngers on it.
Yoongi started to walk away until
Something held his sleeve.

Jimin looked at his feet holding the older sleeve, he was quick with his actions, but not with his thoughts, he knew what he was feeling, and he didn't want it to happen like this, he didn't want to kiss him like it was a clumsy mistake.
He held it tightly not letting the older go.
And he let go when he knew that Yoongi understood what he wants.
Yoongi looked at him in the eye and smiled.

"Want to try again?" He asked.
Jimin was about to cry, he held the tears and looked at Yoongi in the eye, he nodded.
"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you like that, I'm s-so clumsy and can't c-control my balance s-some times. And I didn't mean to kiss you, not like that, not like it was a mistake, I-" Jimin stoped
He was ready to confess, but Yoongi stopped him making him shut up by putting his long finger on the younger lips.
"Can you please shut up, you don't need to apologies, maybe you didn't plan for this to happen like this, so I want to see how you wanted it to happen" he let Jimin go, and explain.
"I- " he didn't know how to explain, but he was going to, he wanted to. So he did, just like writing a book.
"You," he said, Yoongi was confused but didn't show it.
"First" he tried again, Yoongi smiled as he knew what the boy tried to say.
"We were supposed " he stopped again, he really didn't know how to explain, 'these things just happen'. He thought it out loud and looked at the older.
"I'm sorry, I thought there is a confession before and then talking and then dating and then kissing and doing more stuff, but I was wrong, those things are never expected, there just happening" explained Jimin with big eyes and then looking at Yoongi, "do you mind if I'll change the times?" He asked.
"no" he answered.
"I like you, for a long time now, and I hope you feel the same because I'm very embarrassed right now," the younger said.
"Can I kiss you?" Yoongi asked without thinking.
Jimin just nodded.
Yoongi took Jimins back head pushing hin forward and then leaned in and their lips touched, Jimin eyes closed as he kissed back not knowing what to do with his hands they Otomaticly held Yoongis sides holding the jumper he wore.
Yoongi melted into the kiss, he wanted to feel more of Jimin but didn't want the boy to feel uncomfortable with the Touch. They just kissed, moving there lips some time braking to catch some air and get back to kissing.
They didn't want to stop, but Jimin phone rang and he had to answer, he knew it's Taeyhung.
Jimin broke the kiss, "really?" He murmured. Yoongi laughed.
"Jiminie, are you, Okey, you didn't answer my messages and-".
"I'm fine tae, but I'm quite busy," said Jimin.
"Yeah, your boyfriend can wait" tae teased.
"He's, not my boyfriend," said Jimin.
"Not yet," Yoongi said leaning to Jimins phone.
Jimin blushed.
"Have fun Jiminie".
Jimin pulled the phone to his back pocket and looked at Yoongi, "what do you mean by not yet?" He asked.
Yoongi just smirked at the boy and walked to the kitchen.
"Yah, Hyung, you don't just kiss me and then saying things that making me confused and then walking away living me hanging" Jimin complained.
Yoongi laughed and went back to the living room with a glass of water, he took a seep and, he walked to Jimin placing the glass on the table and hugged the boy.
"You're cute, and I want to take you on a date."
"I have class tomorrow," said Jimin.
"Then I will have to make it as a surprise" Yoongi pecked his lips and went back to drink living Jimin to blush.

  "Then I will have to make it as a surprise" Yoongi pecked his lips and went back to drink living Jimin to blush

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