chapter 4

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chapter 4

after 3 weeks

Jimin curled on his bed with a book in his hand. The little boy changed position every five minutes. He made little noises while talking to himself reading the book.
the boy held the yellow blanket in both hands while the book set in front of him on the bed. He was scared of what's going on and thought of what's going to happen next.
"no," he said out loud in a low voice.
"Please be okay" the blond whispered turning the page.
Jimin didn't notice that outside his room Kim Soekjin passed through his room looking at the boy confused, jin was on his way to Yoongi's room.
"ahhh..... no" Jimin screamed and closed the book throwing it to the other side of the room.
but the short blondie curled out of the bed peeking the book from the floor and opening it on the right page, kept reading while standing.
holding the blanket in one hand the book in the other he walked out of the room passing by Jin and avoiding him, going to the kitchen, he jumped over an object not even looking at it face buried in the book.
Jin's jaw was on the floor from shock.
Jimin took the kettle and filled it with water turning it on, taking a mug from the mugs holder and a tea bag from a jar beside it.
while waiting he kept reading turning the pages and holding the blanket tighter making little noises.

Yoongi stood next to Jin and looked at Jimin.
Jimin finished making the tea and took the mug wanting to his room and avoiding his hyungs completely.

The door stayed open and the boys still looking at him.
automatically putting the mug on his dresser lining against the pillows reading.
"just don't die, please," he said in a low voice.
once a while taking a sip from his tea and whispering things.

The shock boys outside the room froze in place, and then a knock on the door.
"Yoongi, answer the door" Jimin shouted not taking his eyes off the book.
Yoongi and Jin switched looks and Yoongi walked to the door opening it.
"is Jimin home?" asked a grey-haired boy.
"reading" was the only thing he said and it looked completely enough for the boy in front of him to understand the situation.
"never mind ill come back later" the boy's voice was lower than Yoongi expected and he left living him to stare at the air.
"w-what was that?" asked Jin.
Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin stayed in the same position for the rest of the day while Jin and Yoongistudied in Yoongi's room with an oper doot to see if the boy moved.
"but why?" a scream made the two older jump, Jimin ran from his room to the living room.
looking at the door still watching as Jimin went back to his room with a small bag pulling out two books, "I hope you two are better boys than the other one, do you understand?" he asked the books.
the older switch looks again, Yoongi wanted to ask something, but before saying it he agreed with himself that it will be stupid so he stayed quiet.

After two hours or so jimin moved from his room to the living room and taking an apple, he made himself comfortable when his yellow blanket covering his wrist and legs.

Jin went back home looking the last look at the young boy on the couch on his way out, jimin didn't move only biting his nails.
jimin had a restroom break once a while when he's coming out running back to his worm spot.
Yoongi cooked dinner when he heard a sobbing voice coming from the living room, looking at the boy's small body with a tissue box next to him and the book lining on his lap, Jimin was crying?
"no, you're a monster" shouted the boy not closing the book or even looking up.
the older started to get worried for the emotional boy. But after a few minutes, Jimin calmed down and jumped from his sit.
"yes, yes, yes" he smiled, "never mind" sitting back down this time crossing his legs with no blanket on but on the floor while the tissues were everywhere.
"you are such a bitch," said Jimin quietly turning to the last page of the book.
"one more to go" the blond boy throw his hand with the book to the air and went to his room slamming the door behind him.
Yoongi ate alone hearing Jimin little voices here and there, the boy even screamed once making Yoongi jumped almost running to see if he's okay but telling himself that Jimin is in the fantasy world and he won't want to interrupt.
the room's door opened and Jimin ran to the living room avoiding Yoongi for the "I don't know how much" time.
Jimin took his blanket and tissue box running back to his room.

On the second time that day a knock on the door, and Yoongi opened, the same boy from earlier was standing there smiling at him.
"Jimin?" he asked.
this time Yoongi pointed at the little boy room door.
the grey-haired pushed his shoes and went in walking to Jimin's room looking at the messy living room and sighs heavily.
"no, go away I haven't finished it yet" screamed Jimin, "there just about to kill her, wait just two more hours".
"no, you need to breathe and communicate with people," the boy said.
"no" Jimin ran out from his room with the book in his hand to the bathroom while the other boy was chasing him, Jimin locked the door. The tall boy knocked on it saying Jimins name telling him to come out.
"go away tae" the boy shouted from the other side of the door.
"okay, but you ow me Doritos" grey hair boy named tae gave up, his voice was childish too.
"fine" was the last thing Jimis said before the boy left, Yoongi was staring at the situation like what he was doing almost all day.
"sorry, Jimin is such a nerd, don't ever try to get his attention or speak to him at days like that, he'll probably kill you or just act like a baby" tae put back his shoes back on and opened the door, "seriously, my boyfriend got a broken arm once", Yoongi only nodded.
after the door closed the bathroom door opened Jimin sighing in reliving going back to his room closing the door.

After Yoongi cleaned the kitchen he moved to the living room, he didn't know when the blond one is going to come to clean up his mess so he decided to do it himself.
putting the pillows back in place and throwing away all the tissues, then he went to check on the boy, who was sleeping on the floor back lining against the bed, the book was closed and a notebook sitting on his lap, on his hair a hair band so it won't fall on his eyes, mouth a little open making little sleepy noises, it made Yoongi soft.
Yoongi took the notebook putting it on the dresser and on it the finished book, putting all the things on the bed aside, Yoongi picked the boy from the floor laying him on the bed, Jimin hagged his blanket tight smiling, "thank you" he said.
Yoongi smiled softly and took the empty mug from the dresser closing the light and door behind him.
only after putting the empty mug in the sink the white-haired went to get ready for bed.
he couldn't stop thinking about the little boy cuteness, even if he's weird, "baby Jimin" thought Yoongi before falling asleep.

 he couldn't stop thinking about the little boy cuteness, even if he's weird, "baby Jimin" thought Yoongi before falling asleep

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