chapter 7

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chapter 7

Jimin caught and tried to calm down so he drank some water, he looked at his father who spoke for the first time that evening, he was waiting for an answer.

The women were laughing beside there sons, "d-dad, w-were not, it's not- I mean," Jimin looked at his housemate who was still shocked by the situation.

"There is no ring sir," said the older boy calmly as Mr. park drank and nodded.
"well, but  ill be waiting then." He said winking at Yoongi playfully.
Jimin breathed heavily to the words and sighed, it's going to be a long Christmas.

Jimin's parents left for there hotel they were staying in and Yoongis mother set on the couch. Her son went to the living room and smiled, "the room is ready for you omma," he said, the two walked to the room, the lights were on. The bed had blue covers and red rad pillows, as they walked in, Yoongi carried his mother luggage.
"here you go".
"are you sure you want to sleep on the couch? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"it's fine, you are a guest so you're more important," he replied and she nodded in a sad impression.
Yoongi took his PJs, well hoodie, and sweatpants and left the room letting his mother get ready to sleep.

Jimin was wearing a big yellow hoodie and some short pants, his hair tied up with a blew hairband, the boy loved Christmas novels, he was sitting in the living-room reading in silence with a cup of tea, after emptying the mug he went to the kitchen to make some more and this time set at the empty table.
Yoongi came in the living-room to make the couch for the night, Jimin looked at him and sighed, he didn't want him to feel uncomfortable too, so he just had to offer something else.

"Yoongi Hyung," he said making the older raise his head at him and his brain to scream from the cute being in front of him.
"yes?" he asked.
"do you want to share the bed with me for the next few days?" Jimin suggested.
"I'm fine Jimin, but no thanks, I prefer-" he didn't get to finish as he said, "I insist, don't argue with me".

Yoongi opened his mouth but closed it after second thinking, "are you sure?" he decided to ask, "I have some sleeping habits and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me".
"We all have sleeping habits so don't feel bad about it, it's fine," Jimin said.
"thank you".
"no problem," Jimin hurried to take the pillow from Yoongi hands taking them to his room before he'll change his mind. "and don't worry we're both guys," he regretted saying that but kept quite as Yoongi sighed.

When the blond came back he set on the couch and placed the mug on the coffee table, as he opened the book he said, "I'm sorry about my parents, they have weird thoughts and they misunderstand a lot".
"it's okay," said Yoongi, he didn't mind the thoughts and he won't even avoid his feeling towards his housemate anymore, he didn't want anymore and he was falling hard for him.

Yoongi and Jimin set in the living-room, Jimin was reading and Yoongi's the phone texting his friends who celebrated Christmas at Jin's parents. Mrs. Min came out of Yoongis room with a long nightgown, she smiled at the boys and walked to them blessing them good night and closed the door behind her.

Yoongi was about to pass out on the couch when Jimin decided to send him to bed, he didn't argue, the blond boy stayed a little longer before closing everything, locking and going to his room reminding himself that he's not sleeping alone.

He curled into bed steeling beside his Hyung who was fast asleep already, he fell asleep after a short while of staring.

Mrs. Min wasn't asleep; she was in her sons' bed reading and waiting for the two to fall asleep. She could see that something is happening between them. Coming out of the bed opening the door quietly and walking to Jimin's room, the door wasn't fully closed.

The boys were asleep, it has been two hours since Jimin went to bed. The little boy was hugging the older who cuddled him back, Jimin made little noises when he breathed and Yoongi was silent. The woman smiled at them pulling out her phone snapping a picture after putting it on silent so it won't make any noise. "I believe in you," she said before returning to bed and also going to sleep.

The next morning Jimin felt something hard underneath him, he opened his eyes to find Yoongi sleeping under him on the back while he slept on his chest, Jimin gasped and slowly moved from the older body and found himself falling from the bed, he moved to fast. He made a small squeak and stood up as nothing had happened.

walking out of the room and closing the door behind him, Jimin could smell breakfast as he walked to the kitchen. Mrs. Min stood in the kitchen in front of a pan, the table was made, plates, glasses, and food.

The young boy found himself drooling over the smell, he wiped his chin with the sleeve as he snapped back to reality.

"oh, good morning Jimin-ssi," said the woman.
Jimin bowed and walked towards the table, "good morning," he replied.

The two set at the table after Mrs. Min finished cooking. Yoongi woke up to a magnificent smell, he didn't remember where is he at first, looking around remembered, and stood walking out to the kitchen to find his mother and housemate talking, joining the two made him relies on how happy he is.

"How did you sleep?" asked his mother.
"Good, thank you," Yoongi looked at Jimin thankful. Jimin smiled back face flushed.
Yoongi was pretty much aware of the embarrassment the other fell from sleeping in the same bed as him.

After breakfast Jimin joined his parents outside while Yoongi and his mother just relaxed at the apartment sitting next to the Christmas tree.
"you like him? Don't you," Mrs. Min said.
Yoongi nodded, he did like him a lot.
"he's a good boy, I think you need to make move".
"I'm waiting for him to realize his feelings, I can read him like "an open book," he replied. 
"don't wait too much".  Right now, I'm just happy that I'm close to him, and even more for the next few days".
"his mother giggled, "just like your father, always making the right move to success even if the step's small".
the boy smiled; he kissed his mother on the cheek thankful for everything.

Christmas was close to an end, every day they did something different, and slept in the same bed, their parents got closer and dreamed of their sons getting together. They ate inside most of the time, different meals of course that the mothers had cooked and when one time when they both decided to spend the day together just the two of them, they told Jimin's father to cook dinner, the boys decided to order something instead of letting him burned down the kitchen.

It was a great Christmas, they all agreed. Jimin's parents left the night after Yoongis' mother, living the two to take care of cleaning the apartment from every Christmas decor.

The next occasion in new years and Jimin was planning on it, he waited for it.

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