chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After two weeks

"Just admit it," said a black-haired boy from the other side of the table.
a gray-haired boy set in front of the two boys while a very big lamp was directed to him.
"I didn't do it," said Tae and hit the table with both hands. Jimin and Jungkook set him there a few minutes ago after finding out that the Doritos bag was gone from the cabinet. Like they knew Taehyung, he probably ate it all and won't admit it, the boy was addicted to Doritos.
"then who did it, hah? Like we know you, you won't resist a bag of Doritos," said Jimin.

"you guys are acting like kids, I didn't do it, I didn't even know about that one bag, I swear," Tae tried. But it didn't seem to bother the other two.
Jimin ran his hands through his hair and Jungkook just glared at his boyfriend.
Tae just set there and sighed from his friends being so dramatic over a bag of Doritos, but he didn't deny the fact that he was addicted to Doritos.

Jungkook eyes went wide as he smiled, "what?" asked Jimin.
the younger didn't replay and walked around the table and set on his boyfriend's lap.
'that card' Jimin slapped his forehead, he stared with an evil expression as Jungkook hugged his boyfriend's neck getting closer to his face.
"Teatae~," Jungkook said childishly to Tae's ear.
"Jungkook I swear to god if you-" a peck on the lips stopped him from talking.
Jimin felt uncomfortable but he didn't say anything, just letting Jungkook do his job, someone had stolen his portion and he won't stop until hell find who that was.

The door opened as Yoongi went inside the apartment pushing off his shoes in the entrance.
putting his laptop bag next to the shoes he looked at the apartment which was dark except the kitchen when a big lamp was lighting the whole place, three boys were there, two sitting on each other and the third standing with his back to him.

He recognized the short boy with blond hair. Jimin turned to face him blushing in the dark.
"speaking of the devil," said a low voice.
Yoongi opened the lights and stared at the boys in confusion, he crossed his arms.
"well that's awkward," said the bunny faced boy on top of the low voiced one.
"What happened?" asked Yoongi getting closer.
"Someone stole Jiminies Doritos bag" answered bunny face.
Jimin made a fist wanting to punch his two best friends.

Yoongi remembered that Jin came the day before to study and they found a big bag of Doritos in the cabinet without a name on it together with Yoongis cheese snacks.
"oh, that was yours, sorry, my friend was here yesterday and we found it without a name so we ate it," Yoongi explained.
"it's okay, I guess I need to learn to write my name on my stuff in the kitchen," said the blondie in a low voice while his friends giggled behind him.

Taehyung and Jungkook dragged Jimin outside to get dinner somewhere while Yoongi stayed indoors to finish some school work and calling his mother who lived in Dougu.
the two spoke on the phone for an hour telling each other how they feel and about school and work, or, mostly Yoongi's mother asked questions and he answered in short sentences.
Yoongi's mother works in a restaurant and she made her son follow his dreams even if it's so far away from her. She also remarried to a lovely man after moving on, no so easily after Yoongis father. Yoongi always saw his mother as his role model and she excepted him as who he is.

"When are you coming to visit?" she asked.
"I don't have the time for a trip right now, so maybe spring," answered Yoongi. He set on the couch with a pillow in his lap as he crossed his legs.
"then ill come to visit on Christmas if your housemate won't mind me staying for a couple of days, or you can tell him I'm and a great cook and then," she said in a cheering voice.
Yoongi giggled quietly.
"get ready for me Yoon".
"I will, goodbye mom".
they both hang up.
Yoongi sighed, he missed his mother and hoped Jimin won't mind if he even staying for Christmas that was just a month away.

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