Part 1 /School

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Hey let me introduce myself to you! I'm Tess Crawford and I love in Florida , USA
I go to brook bridge high school with my boyfriend matt Espinosa, we have been together for about 2years since I was 14years old , I'm 16 now and matt is 17years old.
my best friend is Julia Corsa , shes amazing ive known her for ages now i can trust her and i never want to leave herside cause im her bestfriend and shes amazing!
I live with my mom she is a single parent and I'm very proud of her for bringing me up all on her own, I live in a small 3 bed house with my mom and my dog , Milo he is a maltese he's like my brother ( as I'm the only child ).
*alarm goes off*
Argh! I mumble as I turn it off
" hunny it's time to get up don't want to be late do we " my mom says drawing my curtains open.
" mom I'm sick " I say trying to be convincing
"no you're not now come on get up!" she says raising her voice a little
"Fine! "I groan
* mom leaves the room*
"Okay what should I wear?" Picking out clothes
"THIS" I shout
I slip on a grey flowing crop top with some black leggings and a pair of grey&pink air max
"Okay now make up!" I say In my head
I put on some foundation and mascara , winged eyeliner and fill in my eyebrows just a little.
I tie my hair in a high pony tail and curl it in a spiral.
" Mom I ready" I shout as I walk down the stairs.
"Okay hunny I'll get the keys " mom says walking to the door
Text to matt.
To : matt
Hey , on my way to school meet me there?xo
From: matt
Anything for my princess (;
To : matt
That's why I love you hehe!
From : matt
I love you too babe (;
.at school.
"Thanks mom" I say exiting the car.
"have a good day sweetie" she says leaving
All of a sudden a pair of hands grip my waist and pull me close to them
"Hey babe"
A familiar voice says
"matt" I say turning around
"Yep it's me" matt says kissing my cheek
Matt pulls me into a hug and kisses me gently
"Not here matt, not In front of everyone" I scold
Matt releases me from his arms and takes me to class hand in hand.
Its lunch and i go to to canteen with matt to get food. i love food.
'What you getting' i say turning to matt
'well i might get some rabbit food watching my figure' he says joking around.
'nah im joking im getting a burger' matt says picking it out.
'SAME' i say loudly
'High five!' Matt shouts making the students turn around
the thing about mine and matts relationship is that we act like 10 year olds and love like a married couple.
We walk over to the lunch table , sitting at the table is Julia,Shawn,Jake&cameron.
'Hey you too' shawn says looking over at us.
'hey' i say sitting down.
'Omg did you see this tessy?' Julia whispers to me
Tessy is what julia calls me sometimes.
'no what?' I say whispering back
'look' she said showing me her phone
'omg who is that' I ask
'Josh' She says looking at the screen
it was a picture of josh's you know what.
Julia was a bit of a boy catcher.
'Omg julia what is that!!' i say looking at her crossly
'What i was having fun!' She said frowning
'You cant send that! What if it spreads!' I say concerned
'It wont relax' She trys to sooth me with her words
I cant believe julia sent a nude, its gonna spread things like that always does! but she wont listen.
'Tess wanna come to magcon with us all in 2 weeks?' matt asks
'Sure i just gotta ask my mom, Julia are u coming?' i say while texting my mom
'I dont know' she said
'awe come on juliaaaaaaa' cameron whines
'Oh okaayy' she whined
'Yes!' Cam praised
Cam has a little crush on Julia, he tries to hide it but everyone can tell he likes her even julia.
*School bell*
'I got Math babe what you got?' Matt asks.
'Gym' i sigh
'okay ill meet you after babe' he says kissing me on the lips
'why dont we skip and go to my place?' i suggest
'We'll get into shit' he reminds me
'Yeah but our classes are crap and they wont even notice babe!'
'Fineeeee' matt whined.


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