Chapter 13: IDK What2Do?

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Ali Martinez POV


"So, you saw Johnson's Johnson?" Sammi laughed.

"Stop laughing this is serious," Madi looked up from her hands and her cheeks were streaked with tears. I haven't seen her cry since her birthday. This was a rare sight and a serious one.

"Should we call Alex?" I asked.

"So he can come up here and beat Johnson and his pretty face up? No," Madi blubbered like a 5 foot 4 baby. Sammi looked at me and nodded.

"I see what's the problem," Sammi said, "You're in love with him."

"There is no such thing as love," Madi said, "It's a figment of our imaginations."

"That's what people who are afraid to fall in love again or were hurt say," I took Sammi's side on this one. She was always right once in a lifetime.

"Let's talk about Madi now, shall we?" Sammi said, "Never really got close to any potential bf. Afraid they won't be able to deal with the her. Jc tried and failed epicly. You two were never meant to be. Cute couple, but shouldn't have happened. You and Johnson, on the other hand, are awesome together. You two could be like Nash and I."

"Brent and I are a better couple," I said and Sammi looked at me.

"No, Nash and I because we actually touch each other," Sammi said.

"What you two have is... Como se dice? Lust," I used spanish and then Sammi and I were cursing each other out in Spanish and didn't know notice when Lila and Maya came in.

"What is going on?" Maya said, "There is always drama at a party. So, what's going on?"

"Who is apart of the cuter couple? Me or Ali," Sammi said.

"Lila and Sam are the cutest couple," Maya said and we all did the universal sign for yeah, "And I meant what's wrong with Madi?"

We all looked at Madi who was sitting in the corner crying into the tub.

"You two are arguing while Madi's freaking out," Lila looked at us and we held our heads down.

"Johnson showed her his Johnson while singing Rock Me by One Direction," Sammi said and Lila broke out laughing.

Maya hit her, "It's not funny. How would you feel if Taylor Caniff pulled out his gun?"

"First, not funny. How would you feel if Matthew peeled off the banana?" Lila told her, "Second, didn't we already have the sex talk with Madi?"

"There was a doughnut and a banana..." Sammi started and Madi threw up into the tub. Lila and Sammi started laughing again while Maya and I glared at them.

"Mads, what's really the problem?" I asked her.

"I hate this," Madi said, not looking up, "I'm in love with one of them but if I say anything the other two will get angry."

"Now, you're scared about angering people?" Maya said and glared at her, "You usually say what you want to say and tell everyone to kiss your ass if they don't like it."

"Kissing her ass is exactly what Johnson wanted...." Lila started and Madi yelled.

"Shut up!" Madi yelled sharply.

"Maya and I will take her somewhere. You guys, don't tell anyone what happened and get rid of the giggles," I said. Maya and I grabbed Madi and slipped her out the back door of the kitchen while they went back to the party.

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