Oblivious idiots

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Normal POV~

"Do I have to wear this ridiculous outfit!" Akefia exclaimed as he looked down on himself.

"I kind of like it," Marik said, touching his ears.

"At least it has my colors..." Atem said while crouching down. It had been just a week after being totally miserable, angst, tears. And oh, don't get me started with the screams. They all had settled in back into their dorms and forgiven each other, making sure to not speak a word of what happened ever again. Currently, however, they were playing a game. Seth and Anzu were sitting in the kitchen chairs, refusing to put on what Seto and Téa were holding out to them.

"You need to, it's part of the game," Bakura said. Oreo was sitting beside him, confused about why they were wearing dog and cat costumes.

"Come on Anzu, please?" Téa pleaded, her cat ears flopping down. Anzu growled.

"I am NOT wearing that! It would look awful on me and I don't want to argue with you!" Anzu hissed, crossing her arms.

"But it's just dog ears, a tail, and paws!" Téa continued. Trying to get her past self to wear the costume.

"I don't give a damn," Anzu said. Téa huffed.

"Okay, but I will not making any sort of noise that a dog makes, am I clear?" Seth said, roughly putting on the 'stupid' costume, as he liked to call it.

"Yes, sir!"


Surprisingly, the game was going well. After lots of threatening and almost killing each other, Anzu got in the costume and was playing the game with them. Oreo still didn't understand why in the name of every living thing they were wearing those costumes.

"What's next?" Malik asked, kneeling like Oreo does when he's curious.

"Another round?" Yami suggested while he laid back on the wall.

"Another round of hide and seek? We almost didn't find all of you kittens! Except you Oreo, you were just on the couch being lazy. And there are five of us being dogs!" Akefia yelled, raising his arms in the air. His face had a red hue on it from embarrassment, his tan skin couldn't even hide it.

"I still don't get why you're embarrassed, it makes you look adorable." Bakura purred, sitting on the firm lap of his lover's.

"I'm a former Thief King that's more than five thousand years old, I shouldn't be playing this. Gods, if my father was still alive he would've given me a three-day long speech about how I shouldn't dress up like a child would on Halloween." Akefia clarified, throwing his head back a bit.

"And I'm a former Pharaoh that is about your age, I'm just enjoying the time I barely got as a child. Mahado and Mana would've been enjoying playing with us too. I'm thinking Seth is enjoying his time too." Atem said. Taking out a phone from his pocket seeing as it rang from a message.

"Man, you were all of high importance. Look at me! I was a poor villager and here I am! Oh, look at that, I just had a moment of Déjà vu." Marik said, crossing his arms.

"I don't really give any fucks about what some of you were. And you, Marvin, you're a seer." Anzu said, fixing her paws.

"It's Marik. Anna," Marik teased, using a different name to upset the woman. Anzu fumed.

"A-N-Z-U, you brat." Anzu spat, making sure to sound annoying.

"M-A-R-I-K, you bitch." Marik responded coldly.

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