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Normal POV~


Yami and his friends were walking back to their dorm, school had ended and they just wanted to take a nap. Well, after eating of course.

"Cookies?" Malik offered, taking out some flower and other ingredients.

"Chocolate chip cookies, Oreo cookies, and how about m&m cookies?" Bakura suggested, plopping onto the couch where all their backpacks were.

"Then I'll help," Yami said, closing the book he was reading and walking over to Malik. Malik nodded and handed him a bowl. The two boys began making cookies, various cookies to be exact. The even ate chocolate chips unconsciously and threw some over to Bakura with giggles, Bakura noticed and growled.

"Hey! It's not funny! It's getting in my hair..." The albino whined, picking off the chocolate chips from his snow hair. Yami and Malik giggled again.

"Aw, poor Bakura! We're sorry! Aren't we Yami?" Malik teases, nudging Yami with his elbow. Yami sent him a wink.

"Of course we are! Forgive us!" Yami tried his hardest to not laugh, whilst Malik laughed behind his hand.

"Alright, I for-" Bakura stopped his sentence as he looked towards his best friends, watching them as they showed their lies. His usually pale face turned red from both embarrassment and anger.

"Hey! Come on!" The elder huffed and stormed over to his laughing 'siblings'.

"We're just having fun." Yami whimpered, puppy eyes were planted onto his face. It made him look like a puppy since he was sitting on the floor. Malik copied his actions. Oreo woke up from his afternoon nap and cocked his head at his owner and friends.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just finish up the cookies pups." Bakura said and patted their head, not after giving them a kiss on the head teasingly. Yami purred and Oreo came running to him. Malik got out of the way and let Oreo jump on his owner.

"Oreo!" Yami exclaimed, laughing as his kitten nuzzled him. Malik and Bakura smiled fondly at the two, Yami had said multiple times Oreo reminded him of The Pharaoh and kept him close, heck, he even smelled like him. Malik nodded over to Bakura and Bakura nodded, the two made the cookies while Yami played with Oreo. Giggles and laughs filled the room, Bakura satisfyingly smiled with Malik.

"Shoot! There are no m&ms!" Yami looked up from Oreo and stared at his friends.

"I'll go buy some, while doing that, Oreo could have his afternoon walk." Yami suggested, Malik nodded.

"Alright, stay safe," He said, Yami pouted.

"I'm eighteen, I'll be okay." With that said, Yami walked out the door with Oreo trailing behind him.


"Are you excited for the cookies, Oreo?" Yami cooed as he petted Oreo's fur for a second. Oreo nuzzled Yami's leg, saying yes, but also saying something else.

"Yes Oreo, I got you some Oreo's too, but I can only give you a bit, remember?" People sent Yami strange looks as if he was mental since he was talking to a cat. But they didn't understand! Yami understood Oreo and Oreo understood him. They looked away when Oreo seemed to glare at them, Yami didn't notice, however.

"I really want to eat some right now, how about we-" Oreo looked up at his owner when he stopped walking as well as talking. Oreo noticed his owner staring at a park, the sun reflected on the small lake, kids were taking their mother's hands to go home because night time was coming. Instead of continuing walking back home, Yami walked to the park. His destination was getting to the tree, a beautiful green tree.

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