Today is the day

68 3 6

Normal POV~

"So, have you two chosen a name for the baby?" The couple shook their heads.

"Still haven't. But, I was thinking of the name Ezequiel?" Yami said, tilting his head.

"Ezequiel? Isn't that a bible name?" Malik asked.

"I guess... but I like the name. Atem, on the other hand, has the name "Heba" in his mind."

"Hey, I said I was okay with both?"

"Wait a minute, isn't the name Heba a girl's name?" The former Pharaoh shrugged.

"Any name could be any gender's name. Just don't name your child a common name, like Billy or John." Oreo, who was in the corner, growled lightly when he heard the name.

"Billy is just... no," Akefia commented, taking off his jean jacket and letting out a content sigh while raising his legs a bit.

"If you place your feet on my table I'm going to whack you with a spoon." The pale man warned, glaring at the former thief king.

"I'm just going to put them down..." Akefia slowly said, cautiously setting his legs down. He noticed Bakura giving him an odd look.

"Advice of the day, don't mess with a pregnant person... Baku'" He whispered.

"Anyway, I think that th-" There was knocking on the door and Oreo began to mewl.

"I'll get it," Marik offered, swiftly standing up and walking to the door.

"Terry! My man! You got my combo?!" Marik exclaimed, the man gave him a fist bump and handed Marik the pizzas while the former villager fished out a fifty.

"Keep the change, here's a tip, and have a nice day!" When that conversation was over, Marik joyfully walked to the table and set the pizzas down.

"The pizza man is your friend?" Atem asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Since the 19's! He knows exactly what I like, and he knows that I don't like pineapple pizza." Akefia glared at him.

"You don't like pineapple pizza?"

"And we're going to start with the pineapple pizza dilemma..." Yami murmured, everyone, excluding Marik and Akefia, began to grab a slice of pizza.

"Why would you put fruit on pizza?! That's disgusting!"

"What do you mean! Pineapple is good on pizza!"

"That's like putting ketchup on apples! Or broccoli on a cake! It doesn't combine!"

"Um, you guys do know that the pizza will get cold if you don't start eating now, right?" Malik stated, swallowing.

"Not now, darling, I have to give this little piece of shit a lesson on why his head isn't screwed right," Marik responded, still glaring at one of his best friends.

"Oh come on, liking pineapple pizza isn't a disease or an infection!" The group casually listened to Akefia and Marik arguing as they enjoyed their pizza, there was the occasional whimper from Yami when the small one inside kicked him, but other than that it was just bickering.


"You do realize I could just take your lover and baby if I wanted to? Or I could kill them with a snap of my fingers. So, cooperate and give me time!" John exclaimed, glaring at the man on the screen.

"Why wait until the baby is a year old?! Why don't you just bring them to me now!" Owen yelled back.

"I let the cat get away easily for a reason! So, I could see if he was telling the truth."

"Don't tell me you've got a crush on THAT cat." John glared at him.

"I'm aroace*. I was teasing the cat because I love doing that. Don't you remember when I called Sebastian sexy?" Owen thought about that for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, I thought you and Sebastian were about to do incest. I swore I heard noises in the bedroom."

"Yeah, I walked in on Sebastian going at it with this girl."

"Okay, let's get back to business. You're telling me you're heading back to Hell and then you'll return in a year?" John nodded, he saw his little brother grumble.

"Fine, but you better bring them."


Night has fallen, and everyone was asleep, Yami woke up all of the sudden craving a late-night snack, preferably a doughnut. He gently unwrapped the arm surrounding his protectively, trust me, he hated doing that, and walked to the kitchen. He placed a hand on his abdomen as he opened the box of chocolate doughnuts, yeah, he was pretty unhealthy nowadays. He smiled gently and was about to take a bite, but an extreme pain coursed through his body, and water began to spill. He suddenly got the urge to push.

"ATEM! ATEM CALL THE HOSPITAL!" Yami screamed, trying to not panic or even push. As expected, Atem came running to his aid and called the ambulance.

To Be Continued~


Hello! Happy Holidays! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry this is so short, but I just want to get this out so I don't bother any of ya this week! I hope you have a nice day. And so I don't become irritating, Next chapter "August 25. 3:57 AM".

I hope I'll see you in the next chapter and once again, Happy Holidays!

Saiyan Duelist

*Aroace: According to the urban dictionary, it's when a person is both Aromatic and Asexual. But you know, I'm not entirely sure if that's a thing but we'll deal with it.

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