Salve, Slave

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     Percy became used to his new routine. He woke up every morning at dawn and was to sweep the rooms along with the other slaves before the master of the house woke up. After Luke and Annabeth prayed in Lararium, Percy and the other slaves would share the bread they left to the Lares. It was usually the first bit of food that crossed their mouths in the mornings.

     One morning, Percy was helping unload a cart along with Butch and Travis. Butch was a tall man from Nubia with tattoos depicting unicorns and rainbows over his large biceps. Travis was a tall, thin man with brown curly hair and mischievous features. His younger brother, Connor, was slightly shorter, but the two looked otherwise identical. Butch was genial and Travis liked to joke around, so working with them was always more pleasant than working with other slaves like Clarisse who liked to call him a weakling.

    After they unloaded the cart, the slaves looked up at the sound of a voice. 

     "Can someone help us?" a voice asked.

        Percy recognized the voice as Katie's and he and Travis strode over to the gardens to help her while Butch stayed behind to unload the next cart. As they entered the garden, Percy breathed in the sweet scent of the flowers and various plants while Travis immediately walked over to Katie.

      "What do you need help with?" Travis asked.

     "Oh, it's you," she said, wrinkling her nose at Travis.

       Katie had long brown hair, a splash of freckles across her cheeks, and eyes greener than the bushes thriving in the garden she was tasked with tending. Beside her, Juniper was wringing her hands. Juniper was one of the most fragile looking woman Percy had ever seen. She resembled a dryad with elfish features, curly red hair, and light green eyes. 

      "What do you need help with" Percy asked the two slave women.

        "Some ruffians attacked the gardens and cut down the large oak tree," Katie answered. "We need help removing it."

     "Why did you respond to him instead of me?" Travis demanded.

      "Because he's not a two-faced Janus like you are," Katie said. 

      "I'm not a two-faced Janus," Travis protested. "I have only one handsome face."

      "You're the one who placed a golden apple bearing the words 'for the fairest' in the kitchen," Katie accused. "The kitchen slaves were arguing about it for days."

     "I'd appreciate it if you two would stop bickering!" someone said.

    The slaves all turned to see Luke's new wife, Annabeth, glaring at the lot of them. In her lap was a scroll where she had been sketching a plan for a new courtyard in her husband's summer villa. 

    "As you wish, domina," Percy said.

     The slaves began to haul the oak tree. They managed to roll it into the street where Butch was waiting. With Butch's immense strength, they put the trunk into the cart. 

     As they made their way back to the gardens, Travis said, "Katie, I should have given the apple to you."

     "Huh," she said. "It seems that you are right for once."

      She stalked away and Travis asked Percy why it was so hard to flirt with women. Percy didn't respond. He knew nothing about romance. The only woman he had ever liked had become a Vestal Virgin. He doubted his luck would change anytime soon.

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