Seaweed Brain

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Percy felt more useless as a prisoner of war than he had ever felt as a slave. Honestly, being a prisoner of war wasn't that different. Either way he was property of another and his life was commodity. Percy wondered if his mother knew that he had been kidnapped. He hoped not; he didn't want her to worry. If I die here, Percy thought, my mother will never be able to give me the funeral she would want to give me.

Percy spent most of his days doing odd tasks. He was tasked with giving canteens of water to soldiers, polishing armor, and mending clothes. Since Hebe had died, there was a different atmosphere in the air. Percy almost felt sorry for them, but he wanted to punch Hera in her royal face and throttle Jason and Piper for kidnapping Annabeth and Lucius.

Percy had finished stitching up a horse's bridle when Nico walked over to him. The slight, pale man unnerved him. He always seemed to approach Percy silently, gliding over the grass and twigs like a bat.

"Your day is over," Nico grunted. "Come on. Follow me."

"Of course, oh wise Ghost King," Percy said.

"I don't know how Luke could stand you," Nico said.

He couldn't, Percy thought.

"Well, I am sure you're excited to see the empress," Nico said. "You too are as close as Diana and Orion."

Percy stiffened. Did Nico suspect he had fathered Lucius? No, Percy thought, he couldn't know.

"Annabeth is certainly an intelligent woman," Percy said, "but I am no Orion."

"Don't worry," Nico said, smiling thinly as he opened the flap to the tent. "I'm not going to follow Vulcan's example."

Percy felt his cheeks heat up and Annabeth's coloring suggested that she too knew what Nico was implying. The two exchanged glances and Percy felt as if he had been swept underwater by a wave. Nico picked up Lucius who had been crawling on the ground of the tent.

"Hazel and Piper will watch Lucius as always," Nico said. "You'll get him back tomorrow morning."

Annabeth pursed her lips, but nodded. She knew why Lucius was separated from her every night: they didn't want her to try to escape at night. Nico held Lucius gingerly as he left the tent. Outside, Percy heard the sound of voices. As always, their tent was guarded.

Percy turned to Annabeth. Her complexion had returned to normal, but she was biting her lip. As always, Percy felt his heart twist as he saw her. She was the one he loved, but she was married and their relationship — if it could even be called that — had existed for one reason: to produce a child.

"Do you think they would still keep me hostage if I was pregnant?" Annabeth asked in a low voice.

"I don't know," Percy said. "Are you?"

"No, but you could help me," Annabeth said.

"No," Percy said loudly. "I am tired of you doing this. You only ever want me for your selfish reasons. Don't you know what you've done to me? You're playing with my emotions."

"Percy, I do care for you," Annabeth said, touching his cheek.

He flinched and drew back. She was as beautiful as ever, but he felt lost beside her.

"I need you," Annabeth said. "I told myself that it was because I needed a child, but I realized that I needed you too. If you don't believe me, then you're a Seaweed Brain."

She touched his arm and this time Percy moved closer. He kissed her on the forehead. Her face was wet and Percy realized that for once, Annabeth felt as if all of her plans were fruitless.

"I need you too," Percy whispered.

When he woke up, he was in her arms instead of on the opposite side of the tent.

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