Crashing on the Other Side

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   Will breathed in the salty air and felt the sun warm the back of his neck. He was standing on the deck of the ship as they docked on the island of Crete. They were the first ship to arrive and after regrouping, they were planning to attack Rome. It was a daring plan and Will feared it would result in the rebellion being crushed.

   He felt a breathe on his neck and Will turned around to see Nico. Nico's hair was messy and in the early morning sun his he looked like a gleaming shade.

    "Hello, Death Boy," Will said.

    "Death Man," Nico corrected him. "We're having a meeting tonight during dinner."

   "Alright, I'll be there," Will said. "I better check on the soldiers. I don't want a plague breaking out; we've been crowded on board and illnesses spread quickly in tight quarters."

   "I have to help unload the cargo," Nico said, touching Will's arm. "See you tonight."


    Will gasped as he ran. He had just finished stitching up a cut on two rebels who had been overzealous during a practice combat session. As Will entered the room where the meeting was being held (the rebel army had rented out an entire inn), he noticed people looking up at him.

    "You're late," Hera said. "We've been discussing the plan."

   "Sorry, I had patients to take care of," Will said.

   "Sit down," Hera said.

    Will sat down in the empty seat to Nico's right. Hazel sat on Nico's other side with Frank at her other side. Will wondered what Nico had done to save him his seat. He probably only had to give them his death glare, Will thought, though none of them seem to appreciate how hot it is.

     "Who should be tasked with doing the actual killing?" Hera asked.

    "We should have multiple potential assassins," Hera's most trusted adviser, Argus, said. "We don't want to risk the plan falling apart because one person is captured."

   "Any volunteers?" Hera asked.

   "Me," Gleeson said immediately.

   "Hera, with all due respect, may I say something?" Frank asked.

   Hera nodded and Frank said, "We shouldn't kill the emperor. If we capture him, then we can deal with him afterwards. He may be exiled or publicly executed depending on whatever the next emperor sees as fit."

   "That's wise," Jason agreed. "It would be merciful."

   "But keeping the emperor alive would be asking for him to rebel," Hera argued. "Or his supporters might start a rebellion to put him back into power."

   "Not necessarily," Piper said. "He could be installed as a figurehead or made a client king or governor."

   "The people would see that as a sign that the new emperor does not fear the former one," Will said. "That would show more strength than assassinating him. Besides, if we assassinate him, the Senate will have our heads. If we simply overthrow him, we can deal with him later. We want the people of Rome to see us as liberators instead of barbarian invaders."

   "Fine," Hera said.

   "Who will be the next emperor?" Argus asked.

   Will wondered if he wanted the position for himself. Personally, Will thought that the Senate should assert its power and bring Rome back to the days of the Republic, but even Nico disagreed with him. Then again, as the cousin of Emperor Zeus, Nico had a claim to the throne.

   "That is still to be decided," Hera said.

   Yes, Will thought, this question will not be decided just yet.

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