Frankly, I'm Trying Hard

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       The entire city of Rome mourned after Theseus passed away. Zeus named Heracles as his new heir, but a dark cloud seemed to still hang over the city. Even Gleeson Hedge, the short, burly head of the Praetorian Guard, shouted "Die!" less often. It seemed to be his personal form of mourning.

   In contrast to his gloomy work life, Frank's home life was going much better. He still could not believe his luck in marrying Hazel. Sure, his father had been a praetor, but Hazel was the niece of the emperor. She had all the beauty that one could ask for and more.  Even better than her fine face was her pleasant demeanor. When Frank told his wife that he didn't have the money for slaves because his family's house had burned down and he had saved his money up for the wedding, she hugged him and told him she was once a slave. 

      Frank tried to do everything to make Hazel happy. He bought her favorite foods. He arranged visits for her with her family, so that she would not feel homesick.  Though he was careful with his money, he managed to have enough to buy her little treats: pretty clothes, jewels, and trinkets. 

     One day, after they had been married for a month, he decided to take her shopping.  He had been saving up for this for weeks. Frank always accompanied Hazel to her visits with her family. She was short with a delicate build and he knew what the men of Rome were capable of doing to  women. One of these visits, Hazel had been telling a story to  Persephone — she had been injured the day before — while Nico and Frank talked. Frank got the feeling that Nico disliked him, but he learned that Hazel used to dream of what it would be like to be born in Egypt. Frank wondered if she still did.

    Frank was glad to see Hazel smiling as they walked through the streets of Rome together. They bought some fried peas and enjoyed the salty, crunchy snack while they watched the familiar commotion on the streets of Rome. They saw matrons scolding their children, a slave chasing a dog, and women carrying vases filled with water.

     When Frank led Hazel into an Egpytian shop, she turned to him, smiling, and said, "I love this place."

    "Feel free to get what you want," Frank said. "I saved up for this."

    Hazel smiled brightly and her amber-colored eyes glowed. Frank enjoyed watching her browse through the store. He enjoyed the exotic scents that perfumed the air and various goods that enchanted the eye. In the end, Hazel bought a bolt of Egyptian linen, some beads to go in her hair, and an ankh necklace. The shop owner, Carter, threw in some kyphi for free.

     On the way back, Hazel chatted brightly to Frank. She told him of how she was going to weave a linen sheath like the women had worn in Egypt centuries ago. She told him of how her mother's family had belonged in the pharaoh's harem for centuries until Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. Hazel told Frank of how she had found that out recently. Her mother had lied to Hades about being in harem and Hades had told these lies unwittingly to his daughter. 

     "I believed them my whole life," she said solemnly as they entered their house. "I'm glad I am not the wife  of a pharaoh."

    "And why is that?" Frank asked teasinly.

    "Because, you are kind," Hazel said, touching his cheek softly, "and it is better to have a kind husband than to be a queen."

     Frank's face felt as hot as the sand in Egypt. Hazel leaned forward and the two kissed on the lips. It was the first time since their wedding day and it felt even more special. When the two separated, they both sighed.

    "You're the queen of my heart," Frank said softly, blushing madly.

     The two spent the night together like a queen and a pharaoh.


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