Love Her (Again)

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    Percy had never felt more helpless. The woman he loved — even if she didn't love him in return — was in the midst of childbirth and he couldn't even be with her. Instead, he was tasked with posting Luke's latest announcement across Rome. The posters were in his handbag along with nails and a hammer. Luke had told him to post the announcement on the doors of temples, popinas, and stores.

   As Percy hammered the first poster outside the temple of Jupiter Maximus, he read it himself. He felt his hands go limp. The poster was only nailed halfway, but Percy stopped. Luke wanted to do what? What was he thinking? Why did Luke never listen to any of his advisers? 

   Percy lifted the hammer again and pounded the poster until it was completely nailed down. As Percy walked across Rome and nailed posters down, he thought of Luke's announcement. It was absurd. Did he really think it was a good idea to try to change the religious beliefs of Romans? Why did he want to elevate the Greek god Kronos over even Jupiter? 

    He wants to control more of Rome Percy decided as he headed back to the palace. He was walking quickly despite the fact his feet were sore from walking all over Rome. If a temple to Kronos is built, he can place priests who support him. 

    Even worse than elevating Kronos above Jupiter was Luke's decision to get rid of the Vestal Virgins. Percy prayed Luke would change his mind. The Vestal Virgins were the ones who guarded the heart of Rome: the sacred fire. As long as the fire was kept lit, Rome had not been conquered, but like many Romans, Percy expected disaster to strike if the sacred fire was put out.

    He thought of his childhood friend Rachel. She had become a Vestal Virgin and she explained to Percy her duties. She told him of how she had trained for ten years, would serve as a Vestal Virgin for ten years, train the next Vestal Virgins for ten years, and then retire. Now it looked like the life that had been laid out before her was going to be snatched away by the flourish of a pen.

    The palace was right before him. Percy ran into it. He almost crashed into Travis and Katie who were intertwined. They broke off, blushing.

    "Is Annabeth alright?" Percy asked.

    "She gave Luke an heir," Katie said. "Better than anything Travis gave me."

    "Hey!" Travis said, but Percy was already running to Annabeth's birthing chamber.  

    He entered the room. Annabeth was stroking a baby with a head of curly black hair. Its eyes were closed, but it had the same nose as Annabeth and Percy's lips. Annabeth looked tired and worn, but she smiled as she held her child.

    "Congratulations, Caesar," Percy said with a bow. "I posted your announcement around Rome. How is your child doing?"

     "A healthy boy!" Luke said, sounding happier than Percy had ever heard him. "After so many years Annabeth succeeded where my last wife failed."

    "Yes, Caesar," Percy said. "Annabeth truly is remarkable."

The Glory That Is Rome (a Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now