General Zhang

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    Frank studied the map. Beside him, Hera was frowning as she looked at their lines versus Luke's lines. The rebel army was doing badly. They were continuing to lose soldiers to Pluto, Luke, and shifting loyalties. When Hera had told them that she would decide the next emperor if they should win, many of the rebels looked miffed despite her assurance that she would make one of them the next Caesar.

       "We're losing badly," Jason said, voicing the thoughts of everyone in Hera's tent.

      "What do you suggest, then?" Hera asked sharply. "We're outnumbered and outflanked."

       "We need to take action before Luke pens us up," Jason said.

      "He's right," Frank said. "We're surrounded on three sides. We need to escape."

     "We need to do more than escape," Jason said. "If we want to win this war, then we need to go offensive."

     "That would be suicide," Nico said.

    "Well, we cannot very well quietly assassinate Luke now," Piper pointed out. "Silena told me she was nearly arrested by soldiers for corresponding to me and I told Drew that I didn't want to risk her life. Apparently some of Luke's guards can speak Parthian."

    "The fact that we have Annabeth and Lucius has made him more instead of less vicious," Hazel added.

    "We should have expected it," Jason said. "I am sorry for the bad idea."

    Frank clenched his jaw. He studied the map again and an idea appeared to him as if it was a charging elephant.

    "Jason is right," Frank said, looking up from the map. "We need to take a bold risk."

    "What are you proposing, Frank?" Gleeson asked.

     "We need to retreat," Frank said. "We should make it look like we are trying to escape to India."

     "I can write fake letters to throw them off," Piper said.

    "Yes," Frank said, nodding. "Then, we'll flee in the opposite direction, regroup in Greece and then directly attack Rome."

    "Is that wise?" Hera asked. "Rome is at the heart of the Roman empire."

     "No, it's not wise," Nico said. "It's crazy and possibly suicidal, but it might just work. I think we should do it."

    "I agree," Gleeson said. "But how are we going to directly attack Rome?"

    "We'll need to focus on the palace," Frank said. "We don't want Romans to loathe us for slaughtering them. We only need to take over the palace and capture Luke to win the war. He's already angered the Roman people with his religious reforms. If he falls, their support will too."

    "We're not trying to lay a siege," Jason agreed. "We would never be successful. We need to attack quickly and forcefully."

      "How are we going to sneak into Rome?" Will asked.

       "I've got it," Piper said. "We can dress as lupae."

      "What?" Gleeson sputtered. "I am very manly, thank you very much."

        "Disguises are our best bet unless you want to sneak through the sewers of Rome," Piper said.

     "Fine," Gleeson said. "I hate my life."

    "Well, that means we need to retreat, regroup in Greece, and then all get our faces clean-shaven," Frank concluded. "Thank the gods that I don't have a beard."

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