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(A/n) Dear reader-chan
okay, so this is more of a dead Katsuki x reader type chapter. I understand you wanted Izuku but come on Katsuki just died. Give him a little love man. And the letters have an important roll in the story, Anyway, enjoy.
Your Quinn.
*(y/n)'s pov*

I woke up and everything looked normal. A few things were out of place, but I shrugged it off. Today was warm and, the sun flowed through my curtains. I took a deep breath, basking in the sun for a moment. I swung my legs over the bed, allowing myself to get up. What I didn't expect to see was him. "Ahhh! Izuku what are you doing here? You scared the sh*t out of me." I questioned the greenette sitting on my couch. "I-I wanted to s-see you but y-you were asleep..." Izuku trailed off deep in thought. This is something he'd do from time to time. So I shrugged it off. "A-anyway I-I didn't mean a-any harm," Izuku mumbled out, snapping me into reality. "Huh? Oh, it's okay." I didn't think much of Izuku's being here; he's been here before, no harm right? My phone started to ring and, of course, it was the landline. When I went to pick it up, a cold clammy hand stopped me. Izuku's grip on my wrist was tight and firm. "W-why don't you just talk to me?" His eyes glistened of something, was it... jealousy? "I-I just wanted the phone to shut up." "I can get it." "Ummm..." Before I could give a straight answer, Izuku picked up the phone. "Hello?... no this is her partner... okay I'll tell her." "What was that Izuku?" "Oh, that? That was nothing." He gave him a closed eye smile. "Okay then... we should get to school." "Okay! You should wear leggings I don't like how they look at you..." I nodded and walked off. This behavior out of Izuku is weird. I wonder if something is wrong? After we arrived at school, I was called to the office. "Miss (l/n) could you report to the office?!" The teacher looked at me. Then motioned me to leave. Once I was in the office, the mood changed completely. Both of Bakagou's parents were there. They looked as if they had been... crying? "(Y/n)? Can we talk to you at the house?" Matsuki's voice was horse and brittle. "Yeah Matsuki, what's up?" She said nothing and lead me to the car. When we got there she hugged me and started sobbing. Her sobs were muffled and couldn't understand her. "What's going on?" "I-it's Katsuki he's d-dead." Those words hit me hard. Katsuki was my first friend when I moved here. Sure he could be an ass but... but he never deserved to die. "You got to be kidding me. This isn't some sick joke?" Matsuki nodded a no and everything hit me. Tears flew down my cheeks. There salty warmth staining me. Matsuki hugged me tightly and stroked my hair. All good tears run down her face as well. "We have something we think Katsuki would want you to have." They walked inside and, came back out with two or three envelopes. I took them and headed home to read them. Once I got home I sat on the edge of my bed. Staring down at the notes, I ran my hand over the soft paper. I carefully opened them and began to read.

ear (y/n),
What the hell am I doing? Shouldn't I just tell you this shit in person? Whatever. I just wanted to say that... that... well, it's hard to explain dumbass. I just wanted you to know that for a while now my outlook on you has changed. You went from a happy go, lucky idiot, to a perfect, beautiful woman. And for some time I didn't know why. I didn't know what to think. I just knew that I wanted you. You turn into the dumbass of my dreams. And you made me too nervous to tell you. Anyway, that's all for now. I love you dumbass. Never. Forget. That.
Love yours,
I saw tears hit the paper. I let out a giggle, typical Katsuki. I opened the other one. Apparently, he wrote it before he passed.
Dear dumbass,
I know I haven't had the guts to give you the last note yet. Shut up, I'm doing this to vent. Anyway dumbass, I wanted you to know that I've been jealous of the damn nerd. There I said it. Happy? You spend so much time with him. Why not me? I know I can be an ass but... am I really that mean to you? I try not to be. It's just hard, I don't know how to express myself to you. And only you do this to me! I want you to be happy and shit. But with the nerd? Really?  I could give you so much more. At least I think... anyway I have to get to bed.
I love you,
Wait he was jealous of Izuku? Why didn't he... why didn't he just tell me? Did Izuku do this? There's no way. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Right? Right? Right. Thinking Izuku would hurt someone that's crazy.
Yeah Crazy.

Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now