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*Izuku's pov*
(Y/n)-Chan asked me to go to Kachanns funeral with her. Of course, I said yes not only will I get to comfort her, but I'll get to see the mess I've made of Kachann. It's what he deserves. And maybe if I comfort her she will fall in love with me. Maybe she already is in love with me? It felt like my heart was going to bust just thinking about it. Walking to the closed case, I wonder why they had I shut. Surely it's not bad. Though he did kinda look like shredded cheese when I was done. I almost chuckled but held it back. I let a saddened expression case my face. Though I was happy that Kachann was no more, I can't let anyone find out. They would take me away from my precious (y/n). Then I would have to hurt them too. Which wouldn't be too heroic? I walked slowly my every footstep echoed on the wall. As everything was quite. Small storm clouds formed above us. What a lovely day. I can't wait to see the way the dime lighting looks on (y/n). I bet it would look perfect. Though she always looks perfect. If on cue (y/n) walks in the through the black double doors. She was wearing a medium-length skirt and long sleeve. I stood there in awe. Yet I didn't want anyone to see her she was so beautiful. I took off my jacket/over-shirt and walked up to her. I laid the jacket over her shoulder. "Here you looked cold." "Ah, um... thank you." She said, kinda questioningly. I placed my thumb and forefinger own her chin. Gently I pulled her to face me. I tried to be gentle enough not to her. But I still put a little presser on the chin; to steady her. Her skin was so soft against my own. I wished I could hold her all day. But unfortunately, right at this moment, that would be weird. "Hey don't be so sad. He's in a better place." 'Even when he didn't deserve it.' I smiled very lightly, my eyes were closed. When I looked down I saw the blush on her cheek. She pulled me into I tight hug. The sent of her hair was almost euphoric. As small tresses of hair tickled my face. Light sobs were heard but this is what I wanted. If I comfort her she falls in love with me. I just want her to love me. Me. Me. Me. Only me. She loves me I know it. And if she doesn't, I will do everything that I can to make her. She will be no madder who I will have to get rid of. As I was thinking (y/n) pulled away from the hug. She looked up at me. Her eyes were puffy and red. Kachann looked good in red... I chuckled lightly at myself. "Thank you Izuku I needed that." S-She needed me? That's all I needed to hear to make me happy. And yet I still craved more. I craved to be her only one. The only person she thinks about. The only person wants... I pushed those thoughts aside to respond. "Of course, you need someone who loves you." She averted eye contact and looked at the ground. "Thank you, you're a great person you know?" A cheeky smile paster her face. "I've been told that once or twice..." I scratched the back of my neck. I enjoy it when she calls me kind. I enjoy everything that she does more than anyone. I love her more than anyone. More than her parents... "we should set down the service is about to start." I nodded and followed her. I admired her body. It was so enchanting... I made sure that we sat down on a corner. I sat beside her to make sure that no one sat beside her. Now all I have to do is wait.
*(y/n)'s pov*
I sat beside Izuku and tears treated to fall. When I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked to the side. 'How'd that guy get here? I thought we sat a the and the corner...' I had no idea who the was, but his hand was traveling extremely close to my nether regions. And I didn't like it not one bit. I clucked on to Izuku's arm and, wiggled my legs trying to shake the man. But it was no use. Izuku soon sensed my distress; and turned his head. I heard him hum. "Is s-something the matter?" "I-Izuku the guy b-beside us he's touching m-me." I whispered not really knowing what to do. Before I could think anymore though Izuku wrapped his arms around me. I felt Izuku's hand on top of the man's hand. Well, his other one was wrapped around my upper body. My head laid on his shoulder. I heard a rather loud snap followed by a scream. When Izuku's other hand returned, it snacked around my lower waist. Pulling me closer to him. When I looked over to the man, his hand looked like it had been run over. His middle and pointer finger pointed oppose to his thumb. As for his ring finger and pinky, they were bent back to his knuckle. The skin was all that held the bone where they were. Though it didn't look too well either. It was red and irritating. Certain parts looked as they were bruising. There were even places that looked torn. Little drops of blood trickled and oozed down. As blood-curdling screams escaped his lips. I only got a second or two to look at it before Izuku turned my head to his chest. His arms pushed gently on my ears as if he was trying to block out He noise. Which it did to an extent. I could still tell he was crying in pain, and people were rushing to his attention. Though it was muffled. Izuku gripped me tightly in the hug and started mumbling. It was hard to hear but sounded something like. "I'm sorry I let him hurt you. I'm the only person allowed to touch you like that. And it will never happen again. I promise to protect you."

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