Who will you choose

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A few days had passed and it's been noticeably worse. Several male teammates of mine have gone missing; first was meanto, which was said he got picked up by a van on the side of the road. The second being kirishima, who was found dressed in puddle of his own blood. Denki was found to supposedly kill him self in his closet. As for anyone else, they've been weary of who they talk to.
But today was supposed to help clear our mind. Today we were training at the U. S. J.. The bus ride was really quiet. And I was seated in between Izuku and shoto. Who were both glaring at one another. This only continued as we exited the bus and, entered the U.S.J. It was almost unbearable, even though I tried to ignore it.
The tension between the two was unnerving. Yet I'm not really sure what to do about the two.
The whole class walked up to the dome shaped building. Admiring it before they could train. A male in a spacesuit lead us in side and started talking about how your powers could be used to kill. Shoto and izuku seemed to find this amusing. As they both had smirks on there faces.
We where getting ready to go to our stations, when a foggy mist like man teleported in front of us. Every student throw and scattered across the school. And I the unlucky one who got knocked out for a little while. I awoke to the sound of ice and a very frantic Izuku. "(Y/n), you have to come with one of us now, who is it?"

Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now