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(No one's point of view)
It was a crisp normal day at U. A. High. Or so (y/n) though. She pasted passed her classroom, to the courtyard. She was out of breath, but the disturbing message Izuku left her with the feeling of apprehension. A wave of anxiety washed over her. The message was simple but terrific. A simple soft-spoken 'help me'. It was soft as if he was going to pass out. Having no idea what had happened to prevent the teen from coming to school, she traced his phone. Leading her to his home. She took a brief breather, before slowly opening the door. "I-Izuku? Broccoli boi? Come on say you messing with me." The door screamed out in agony when opened. She cringed at the loud sound, pulling the door behind her. She leaned through the corridor, weary of the sight ahead of her. She walked into the greenette's room, and her eyes widened. She felt a sense of nausea, and she felt the light head. There sat the greenest, his face paled, his fingers were stained in blood. As an old box cutter laid by his hand. Blood scabbed and flacked, and some cut was still bleeding; a crimson stain laid on his hands. And there were cuts of all sizes and depth. His green hair seemed dulled and stuck to his face, which was coated in a thick layer sweat, that had started to drip from the corner of his chin. Adrenaline pumped through her veils, as a sense of panic that was there only got worse. Wiring her brain to snap back to reality, and find something that would stop the bleeding. She picked up and old wrinkled rag, pressing it firmly on his fail wrist. His skin was cold as she looked for a pulse, which she had found, but it was a week and almost nonexistent. "Why?" She whispered, though little did she know this was all set up, Izuku had planned for her to find him like this. He did this in hopes that he would win her over Shoto. Though he had mapped out all main arteries, his hand must have slipped. Leaving him weak and helpless. Quickly Izuku let out a gasp and a hiss through his teeth.  The pain in his arm equal to the ones of his training. He had lost almost 2 liters of the crimson liquid, that keep him alive. His blood was pumping out faster than he could make it. Then the ambulance showed up it sirens were blazing, and the motor was no exception, it was just as if not louder than the sirens. They took the frail green-eyed teen and carried him the ambulance. As for the (y/n), she was told to stay, that she was too young to come with them; and that if she wanted to see the boy, she would have to visit him in the hospital. She was cleaning up the blood that had leaked on the floor when her phone rang. It's loud tone beamed throughout the empty house. She picked up the cold piece of metal and placed it near her ear. The cold feeling sent shivers down her spine. "H-hello (y/n) I need your help...." it was Shoto, his voice was harsh almost like a beehive, almost like he had been crying. Shoto, on the other hand, propped himself against a wall. He, like Izukus, had faked his injuries and story. He knew how sympathetic the girl could be when it came to his father. He had told her about his abusive antics, and how he treats the family. Izuku would soon heal over time, but the abuse of his father would forever stick with him. And he knew that Izuku would try something sick and twisted. So, he had to counteract that with his on a sick lie. This time he was sure that he had something to make you 'comfort' him. He planned on telling you he was raped, even if he wasn't. He had been beaten by his father before he calls, but that only makes it look more presentable. He let blood trickle down onto the phone as he spoke. "I-I'm a little h-hurt right at the moment. C-could you come to help me?" His voice wavered in her ears. She wonders how this was happening how she was seeing everyone get hurt. "Umm y-yeah... what happened Shoto?" She practically whispers into the phone. "I'll explain when you get here." And with that, the line went blank. She took a heavy breath, calming herself down. The harmony of the clock and her heartbeat was all that could be heard. But honestly it was calming, it was much better than seeing one of your friends laying on the floor; half dead. She loaded what little bit of stuff she had brought, things including phone, and backpack. She heaved the heavy material over her shoulder and walked out of the overly silent home. Her heels click on the concrete floor. She let out a sigh as she approached the residence. Knowing that the todoroki's already known her, and would let her in. Though she was still hesitant when she knocked on the door. Hoping and praying that endeavor won't open the door; because he always gave her an uneasy feeling. But she must have been lucky because Shoto's older sister opened the door. "Hello? How may I help you?" "Umm I d-don't know if we've met but I'm (y/n) uh Shoto called me..." Her voice was nervous and shaky. But as for the sister, she just chuckled lightly; knowing that this is the girl Shoto has been raving about. "I know you! You can come on in, Shoto's in his room." She said step aside, pulling the door along with her, making it big enough for her to step in. She walked down the hall hearing the chatter of some of Shoto's siblings. She got to the door to Shoto's room and pulled it open. "Shoto? You okay?" She peered in through the door. Shoto sat on the edge of the bed, his face buried in his hand. He didn't even have to peer up, he knew that voice very well; and replied with a simple:
"You can come in."
(A/n) OMG, I don't usually use that terminology, but I am so excited. We just hit 1k views, and I just wanted to say thank you soo, so, much for reading my trash. I really appreciate you all.
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Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now