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I couldn't move, the heavyweight on my shoulder and waist rendered me. Then I remembered something, or more so, someone. Izuku.
He was still latched around me. Like a heavy necklace, that forced me down. His body slumped over me, his chest would rise and fall slowly and in rhythm with his breathing. He had yet to wake but I laid there for hours afraid. I was scared to wake the greenette. Though I knew he would do nothing to hurt me, or so I've come to believe his behavior... Has been a little off.
I've brushed it off as anxiety but, after last night I'm not sure what it could be. He could have some serious issues. Maybe I should ask Inko to see if he's alright. She is his mom shouldn't she know if he's been acting strange.
This is normally not his behavior. Maybe he's having a rough patch.
I'm not sure what to do. I'm worried about izuku. Is he mentally stable?
What's he going to do with me when he wakes u- "mmm~ (y/n)? You still there?" Izuku said, pushing her face into the crook of my neck. I'm still worried about shoto and, I have to go to school.
"Umm, i-izuku I have to go to school, sensai will be mad if I'm late," I told him, and his half-asleep self shot up from the bed. "Y-you don't have to..." He shouted and it slowly turned to a whispered.
"You don't need to leave me..." "I'm not leaving you I'll be back, later though." He cracked a sad smile and nodded. "Promise?" "P-promise"
My voice was weary and off but izuku didn't seem to notice. He let go of me, allowing me to escape. "Thank you izuku, bye!" "Bye!" And with that, I walked out. Soon enough I was joined by Shoto.
"Hello (y/n)-Chan," the duel haired teen said. His eyes were tired and held up heavy bags under them. "H-hey Shoto."
"I was wondering what you were doing in the hospital. Where you injured?"
"No shoto i was visiting izuku. He injured himself."
Shoto looked down and puffed out his paled checks. "Oh it was him." I recognized that emotion... jealousy. "Shoto? Are you jealous of izuku?" "So what if I am so what if I was?" He continued to puff his checks and crossed his arms. Out of all honesty, his pouting was rather cute. "There's nothing wrong with it, per say, but you are really cute when you pout. And your fan girls would go crazy and smother you." Shoto a checks turned the color of his hair. He was one big Canadian Flag. Without the maple leaves of course.
I chuckled I just couldn't help it. "Pfft Shoto your a Canadian flag!" I laugh, watching his face go an even brighter shade of red. "W-What are you talking about?" "Your hair the Canadian flag is red and white." He glances at the ground and mumbled. "So, what was wrong with izuku?" "Oh... he kinda hurt himself very badly if you understand what I mean." He hummed and placed his thumb on his chin. "I donor think izuku is a good influence, you should stay away from him."
I looked at him in shock. Shoto wasn't one to express his opinions so openly, let alone when there about someone else. "It's odd to hear you say that, but izukus not that bad" (right?) "don't fool yourself to much okay?" I nodded as we headed to school. "So shoto how you doing with the whole thing... you now over the weekend...?" "Ahh I'm doing fine actually, I feel much better after talking with you." I smiled "I'm glad to hear that." He hesitated for a moment and looked back up. "Actually I wanted to see if you would come with me to visit my mother, she's in the hospital as well." "Oh I'm sorry to hear th-" "not that kind of hospital the mental kind." "Oh I mean sure...?" "Good it's a date then."

Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now