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*photo's pov*
I sat on the bed beside my love. I stroked her hair softly beside her ear. She was asleep right now I've been putting sleeping medicine in her mouthwash, so she takes some before bed. It's very potent, she sleeps wonderfully. I've never heard her say she was tired. I was hoping that it would help her sleep, as well as getting my free time with her. Even if it was for just a moment it helps satisfy me. I've come to realize that I'm probably concerned a stalker by now, but I don't care. She with me and that's all that matters. I looked down at her plump lips. I wonder if I could kiss her? The sleeping medicine should have kicked in by now right? I leaned down over her face. I was millimeters apart when I closed my eyes, taking in her sent. I leaned the rest of the way in, locking our lips, though she may never know about this, it meant everything to me. I let out a sigh, as my cold lips pressed against the warmth of her lips. Sleeping medicine was working perfectly. I trailed my hand up to her face, gripping her jaw lightly; I used my pointer and thumb to part her lips. I slid my tongue slowly in her mouth, carefully not to wake her. I longed for her taste, for her touch. Though I couldn't have everything that I wanted yet, I could have this. I wonder if this would be her first kiss? I would be ecstatic if that happened. Her first, it has a nice ring to it. I pulled back, licking my lips slowly; and wiping my face with my thumb. There was a slight groan from the bed and a slight shift. Looking down I saw (y/n)'s eyebrows furrow together. She had dribble from her mouth. I placed my hand on her head ruffling her hair, as I had to leave. My siblings would get worried if I had not returned home. I sighed noticing the flash of green at the window. It must be that Izuku. He should just give it up. I'm not giving in. Even if I have to deal with father once and a while. I am the stronger one, remember that Izuku.
*Izuku's pov*
Who the hell does that bastard think he is?! Touching my (y/n)! Anger bubbled inside of me, fury and jealousy. It felt as if I would explode. I stomped in through the window. I'm fully aware of the sleeping pills. And the fact that her parents aren't here. I knew she wouldn't wake, that's why I'm so frustrated. How dare he touch something that's not his?! I can't fully kill him, something like would make (y/n) suspicious. Her friends suddenly dying. It was only two weeks and two days ago kachann has to perish. I have to do something though. I can't just lay back and let this happen though. I won't let this happen! I-I can't lose her. I won't be alone again!
*time-skip brought to you by todoroki's daddy issues*
*???? Pov* (it's either Shoto or izuku you decide ;) )
My eyes parted lightly, taking a moment to adjust. My thoughts still racing from my dreams. The uttermost sinful this I would do to her. Stroke her hair afterward as it scattered the pillow; messy and unkept form That nights events. Her body moist and sweaty, as she moaned my name, and I claimed her as my own. Watching her cave in around me, screaming from her intense climax. Her nails digging in my back, and running through my hair, pulling and tugging strands; whispering how soft it was as I continued to push myself inside her. Her moans being uncontrollable, to the point she can't talk, but scream my name. Me, me, me, she would be mine and only mine. Big red and purple hickeys would show that. I would let anyone touch her. Or let anyone get in my way. And I would embrace her and tell her that. I would tell her that she is my one and only. And that I would do anything to keep her in my life, by my side. Whether she wanted to go slow or rough. I want her to know that I would be there through thick and thin. I want to be there for the good times and the back times. To care for her when she is sick, and love her when she is healthy. Keep her from danger, and for her to think about me and only me. I could just lose her to them, to anybody. To keep her safe I will have to keep her to myself. Whether she likes it or not. And if she disagrees, then I will have to make her she. We will one day realize I'm only doing what I do for her. Her her her her her her, I only do this for her. I've only felt this for her! She is my one and only. And if she doesn't believe that then I'll just have to win her over. That fool won't know what hit him. I save you love you'll be mine soon, I promise. And I've never broken a promise. "Ha ha ha ha ahhhahahahah ha ha ha, umm heh-he haha ahh...." I feel I a little bit better after that.
(A/n) oh my gosh, I'm sorry this chapter is a little short. Shorter than my other chapters at least. And don't worry the citrusy stuff is still coming. So, who do you think it is?
Yours, Quinn

Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now