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*(y/n)'s pov*
Today my parents are taking me to see one of There clients. Apparently, I've met them before. Though I don't really remember. I've met a lot of there clients. They do have the biggest hero brands in the world. We even supply the Iida family. The only downside is that my parents are rarely home. But I can handle that. The Iida's are rather nice. And there youngest son Tenya is a nice company. Though he is blunt and to the point. I guess today we're going to the Todoroki estate. I was also told that their youngest child has a bit of an identity crisis. We arrived at a pretty big home. Certain walls were clinquant. Whoever the owner was, they liked to show off. The Iida estate was big but not this flashy. I walked up the stairs of the house, only to see the second-ranked hero endeavor. He was standing next to someone but I couldn't make out who. At the top of the stairs, I realized who it was. Shoto Todoroki, I've only met him once before. And it was very brief. We only knew each other's names. Other than that we're strangers. We sat down at two couches. They were facing one another. Each family sat down. The adults started rambling about something. I am not sure what I wasn't paying much attention. "Shoto why don't you show (y/n) to your room we need to talk alone." Shoto silently nodded and grabbed my hand. His left hand was warm, I'm assuming it's his quirk. I heard the distant chatter of our parents faded away, the further we walked down the hall. I let out a sigh when we entered a small Japanese style room. We sat down on the bed and all was quiet. It wasn't uncomfortable. For the first time in a while, I felt safe. "So Tod-" "Shoto you can call me Shoto." "Ah... okay then Shoto tells a little bit about yourself." "I hate endeavor." I laughed at his response. "Yeah I've heard he can be a bit of an ass." "That's putting it lightly." "Well he did a pretty good kid raising you, you seem really nice." I saw Shoto's mouth agape and his face was red. "A-ah thank you." He stopped for a moment before speaking. "What do you think they're talking about?" He said in his usual monotone voice. "I'm not sure, probably a business contract. My parents are a bit greedy." I said scratching the back of my neck; letting out a chuckle. "I can say the same." "Well, at least we can relate." After that, we talked for a good 45 to 50 minutes, before we were stopped by the parents. "It was fun talking with you Shoto." He stood up and dusted himself off. "Umm.... shall we exchange numbers so that we can t-talk again?" I smiled and nodded handing Shoto my phone. He handed me his phone. I added my contact under '(y/n)😊'. Shoto handed my phone back right before I was yelled for. "Well, I gotta go bye Shoto!" I said running down the hallway. In the end, I saw my parents standing with a smile. "What did you think of Shoto?" My father asked. "He's really nice I think we will become good friends." "That's good, we should get going it's getting rather late." I nodded and we walked down the pavement. It was warm, the sun lit up the front of the yard perfectly. The sun-brushed over the horizon and purple, red, and orange clashed nicely. But by the time we got home the stars shimmered above us. I walked inside the house. Making sure to take off my shoes; the floor nipped at my skin. When I walked in my room though, there was I figured sitting on my bed. I started to panic when I turned on the light I was more disturbed. It was Izuku. How did he even get in? "I-izuku? What are you doing here?" "I-I came to see you. I-I needed someone to talk too. They- they were bullying m-me again..." I started to feel pity for him. I know how many he had been beaten up in middle school. Though something about this time felt off. "I'm sorry Izuku I was out." I sat down beside him. I patted his back. He let out soft moans of delight. He set his face in his hands. Tears flowed down his face. Till his face popped up. "I-I h-have t-to go to the b-bathroom. I-I'll is back." He said and ran to he restroom.
*Izuku's pov*
I think (y/n) failed to notice why I had run to the bathroom. Thank god. Though it was hard to get to the bathroom.
Once I had finished up with my business I headed to my precious (y/n). She was setting on at the desk. "Hey, Izuku you took awhile." "O-oh umm... sorry about that." I told her, trying to his the blush on my face. 'If you would only let I do those things to you. You would love it. I would please you right.' I thought to look down "so what did you do today?" I asked trying to ease the tension. "Nothing really important. Just meeting with one of my parent's clients." I nodded "who was it?" "The todoroki's" I nodded "so are you going home or are you staying the night?" I contemplated for a moment. Should I tell her that I wasn't bullied? No, she gave me attention. And her attention belongs to me. I sighed gently. "I'll stay," I said walking to the bed I sat down and pulled my love with me. She feels asleep in my arms. It was wonderful until I fell asleep.

(A/n) So should I make this a yandere Izuku x reader x Shoto? Do you want a lemon? And lastly who do you think should die next?


Bury a friend yandere Izuku Midoriya x reader x yandereish Shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now