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*narrator pov*
Izuku walked with enthusiasm. His pace was quick and. his strides were long. Though he couldn't help it. He was so happy. He had gotten into his dream school. U.A. And the best part was his dream girl got into. To him, this means he could spend more time with her.
His legs trembling nervously. As his heart pounded against he's heaving chest; as he walked to her house. He had to see her. To tell her, touch her and hear her praise; because for once in his life his hard work went his way.
All his breathless walking paid off when he got to his destination. He lifted his hand and, gently wiped his forehead; smearing the sweet the mat had gathered. He rung the doorbell, excepting his lover (who didn't know that they were together.). Instead, he got a buff man who seemed to be in his early 30's. The man had the same colored hair as (y/n) and, stood rather tall.
"Hello sir, I-I'm here for (y/n)." The greenette felt as if his heart would skip a beat. He recognized the man after a moment. It was her father. He wanted to make a good impression, if not he would have to get rid of him. Though, as for (h/c)ed male, he just wanted to know where his pizza was.
"She's in the living room. May I ask who you are?" (Y/d/n)it's voice rang through his ears. As he really wanted to sit down with his family. As the green-eyed boy took a deep breath, he twitched once or twice. Failing to show how nervous he tried to explain.
"W-well you see I'm an a-a very good friend of your daughters. A-and I got some really good n-new I wanted to share with her." He started to explain, allowing the elder male to take advantage. "Oh well, I thought she finally got a boyfriend." He chuckled, eager to hear the boys excuses.
"Oh well u-uh you see I do have an itty bitty c-crush on her. I-if you could call it that." (Boy more like an obsession) "ah is that so? Well no taking advantage of my child or I'll kill you." The (h/c)ed male said in a bored and blank tone. Which put the greenette in shock. He had never seen a man, who would speak so openly about death.
"Anyway if you want to speak with my daughter you'll have to come in." Izuku nodded and the father of his future wife let him in. Allowing his self to admire his loves outfit. She was wearing green. And this made him happier than most could imagine. If she wore green than she must really belong to him.
His stomach was doing cartwheels. He sat beside her. Swallowing the saliva that had collected in his mouth. (Y/n) looked at him as if she was allowing him to speak. "I-I got in..." It was as if a switch was on (h/c)ette. She smiled and lounged at Izuku crushing him in a hug. This is something that the green-haired teen longed for since the day of the funeral. Yet he had reframed from doing so.
He believed that she should stay pure till there wed. No matter how much he longed for the tingle of her fingers. Or how much he would love to strip her. He would refrain for her. To keep her clean. And to keep her clean he would have to protect her.
As for the girl she was happy with her friend. He was achieving his dreams. And she could support him. They were going to the same school after all. There was really no reason for them to part. Especially with what Izuku thought.
There was a brief moment of silence. As Izuku took in the sent of his love. He ranked his hand through her hair. Sticking the strands that got stuck in between his fingers in his pockets. He allowed himself to pet her once more before things could escalate. He wanted to know she got in. He made sure to look at her score beforehand though. "Did you get in?"
She nodded "I got in it was kinda shocking." This made the greenette upset. She was looking down on herself. Was it something someone said? Does she have a bully? He was pondering what he could.
Though the whole time the (l/n) parents were watching the two. They thought that the scene was cute. Though, if they knew what was going on in the teen boys head; they'd think otherwise.
They allowed their daughter to hug the teen. They found it easy to trust him, with his soft and fluffy exterior. But don't judge a book by its cover. The content can be disrupted.
Izuku knew that he had their trust. And this pleased him. It gave him more control. Something that he craved. Something he didn't have till now. He had all nights quirk now, and that gave him power. Knowing that he could overpower his opponent with a simple flick overwhelmed him.
"Hey, Izuku you want to go to my room. My parents are staring." Hearing her voice made Izuku jump. He was deep in thought and she had cot him off guard. He let out a sigh and nodded. Though, he had only been in her home once or twice; he had made a point to remember the whole layout.
He knows her room was beside the bathroom. And that her parent's room was on the downstairs floor. He had also known that her neighbor's tree hung right over her window. So if he needed a fix, that was where he would go. Sometimes though he would crawl through the window. He likes to set on the edge of her bed and watch. Though he got worried once or twice, that her parents would find him. So he would hide in the closet.
The point is he was always there. Even when you didn't know it.

(A/N) Okay, so I wrote this one in 3 people it kinda sucks I know. But I wanted it sound creepier...? I'm not sure if creepier is a word but that's what I'm using.

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